The person below me game

I can take them or leave them.

TPBM is interested in politics.
Far from it
the person below me hates talking on the phone
No I love talking on the phone. Tpbm has been to the circus tonight.
Lol lol lol I thought that was my line! Anyway yes, I went to the circus with my son and his friend. Tpbm hates sprouts.
lol lol I did as a child. I used to swallow them whole. i like them now.
Tpbm is enjoying a holiday
Not a relaxing one - I have a fit of spring cleaning upon me! Tpbm likes hot cross buns.
I love hot cross buns. The smell of them is wonderful.
Tpbm has a lot planned for tomorrow
Oh yes the spring cleaning moves to my bedroom! Tpbm can stand on their head.
yes I was born in uk
Tpbm has been out with children today