The photo that got me

Hi my name is Katie. I am 142cm and 75kg. This is about the millionth time I have written this. I really need to lose weight this time. To be honest I am a very confident person. So my weight has never really bothered me. But the last pregnancy I got gestational diabetes, I am short and its hard to find clothes I like for short fat people.... My 2 year old has told me 'mummy fat'. I want to be healthy and promote healthy lifestyle and body image for my girls. My husband too this 'stunner' of a photo last week. When I left the house I thought I looked nice for our mother's day outing... I look like a before photo in a weight loss magazine. So this time I hope to stick to slimming world. Last time I lost 8kg very slowly... But then I got pregnant and had very bad morning sickness and quit. A pound a week may seem alow for. Some but I'm. OK with that.I don't mind As its harder for shorties to lose. My doctor said I should only eat 1200cals a day and exercise. This I don't think is possible. I would like to get down to a size 12 and about 58kg. It's still high on my weight for height but I think it's a manageable target. I have literally had eating disordered periods that only saw me get to 48-50kg and I was living on broth and half a sandwich and going to the gym 7 days. I want to be realistic and healthy. Thanks for listening


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I totally feel your pain! I didn't think I was as big as I am/was and actual pictures are a shock cos I usually avoid them! Good luck! How are you getting on?
Good luck on your journey Katie.
Hi Katie, I'm a shortie too at 151cm. I am currently 76kg BMI 33.5. At my heaviest I was 85kg and started this journey a year ago at 80kg. I agree with you that our recommended calorie intake seems very low. It is very hard to eat much smaller portions than everyone else especially when eating out or someone has cooked for you. I've just started a new job which has a uniform which the employer provides, I'm the ahortest in the new group and have ordered the biggest jacket...shame.
This has been a great place for me, I have a food diary and a daily rant. When I feel I am slipping I come in hear to read how well others are doing. And if I do well I come in to shout about it.
You've made a start and that is the hardest, I look forward to reading more.
Hi Katie, how are you getting on?

I saw a photo of myself that was taken two weekends ago and it's given me a kick up the bum as it made me feel truly miserable looking at myself and how much I've put on over the years. Hope you're getting on well x
Hi Katie. Welcome and good luck! I had a similar experience, I found an old picture of me at my smallest which shocked me into coming back on here as the support I had before was amazing and it really helped me stay on track x