The stages of Exante


Rebel without a calorie
1. Disbelief. You hear about Exante and just can’t believe that people have lost that much
2. Self doubt. You don’t think it will work for you
3. Discovery. You find the minimins forum and read the posts
4. Self doubt. You don’t think it will work for you
5. Excitement. You’ve placed your order
6. Self doubt. You don’t think it will work for you
7. Impatience. It’s 9am and your order has not arrived yet
8. Self doubt. You don’t think it will work for you
9. Fear. It’s arrived and you’ve had your first pack. You spend the rest of the day on minimins trying to distract yourself
10. Self doubt. You don’t think it will work for you
11. Excitement 2. You got through the first day and put your first ‘Honk’ on minimins
12. Impatience 2. It’s day 3. Where’s ketosis?
13. Exhilaration. Ketosis has kicked in. Yay!
14. Tummy troubles. You’re on minimins asking if anyone else has suffered constipation or the runs. You also can’t believe you’ve started a thread about poo
15. Exhilaration 2. First weigh in and you can’t believe how much you’ve lost
16. Disappointment. You’ve only lost 3lbs this week. What went wrong?
17. Foolishness. It was 3lbs! That’s brilliant in a week
18. The Slump. Everyone gets it. You just want something different to eat
19. Determination. You’re going to get to goal
20. Exhilaration 3. You’ve made it to goal. Now it’s time to keep it off and not go back to old habits
21. Self doubt. You don’t think it will work for you
brilliant and sooooooooooo accurate
Youbare so right....If I hadn't done it b4 I would doubt if I could do it.
very very true xx
Nail and head spring to true

Ha ha that's really excellent!
I'm on number 16 as don't think I've lost much this week despite being 100% and exercising . But I know sometimes your body doesn't cooperate and even 2 or 3 lbs is brilliant....or at least I hope to convince myself of that tomorrow morning when I weigh in!
Have great weekend everyone.
Lol. So glad you're enjoying my ramblings! I'd noticed that a few newbies were asking what to expect and thought I'd share what I've learnt.
It was a quiet day work wise and I was working from home due to our office move and needed distracting :)
That's it in a nutshell :party0019:

Oh no... You had to go and say it didn't you :)

No this is it in a nutshell (*queue lisaberry acting like she's in a nutshell*)
help, I'm stuck in a on earth did I get inside this enormous nut'

Sorry, I'm a bit of an Austin Powers fan!!

.......back to the topic, that made me laugh, especially the impatient for your order and poo thread bits!!
It's funny this self doubt thing isn't it? Lost a lb overnight, first thing I think is, it's not working, it's only a lb! Yes but a lb a day is 2 stone in a month! I realised that and thought ya silly Billy get that water down you and get to bed, another day of losing weight tomorrow beckons ;-)
Hahahahaha! Soooo true! I am at stage 16 trying to convince myself of number 17 ;)

Thanks Lisa :D
How did I get to 18 in just 8 days ??!! :confused:;)

This thread is brilliant. Missed it the first time round as I hadn't started.

Looking for a large amount of number 19 at the moment :)

Thanks Dietkitty.
The words of a true sage!