Thinking about joining SW :)


Full Member
Thinking about joining slimming world to lose some weight before my holiday in July, does anyone have any tips/advice? Ive got the books but will be doing it from home, without the classes etc.
Also how much weight (roughly) can I expect to lose in 2 months from following the plan?

I lost 10lbs in four weeks and I didn't have much to lose (at the time). Aslong as u are 100% true to it the weight could drop off! Much easier when u go to group though, it's like a psychological trigger to lose weight. I'm rejoining tonight :)
How much you lose differs from person to person. Don't even think about joining.. just do it! It's the best thing I've ever done :D
Oo really? that's great! :D is that with or without exercise? did you follow all green days etc or switch between them?
How much you lose differs from person to person. Don't even think about joining.. just do it! It's the best thing I've ever done :D

Have you found it easy to stick to etc? :) i think im going to give it a go!! x
I've lost 16lb in 2 months but have had one sts and one 1.5lb gain in that time. I rarely manage to stick to it 100% and hardly get any exercise, so I'm sure you could lose more than me if your will power is up to it!
How much you lose differs from person to person. Don't even think about joining.. just do it! It's the best thing I've ever done :D

have to say the support that i get at sw is worth the £5 a week and the online tools and phone apps i use alot made some fab friends that i am now sharing my journey with do it i do extra easy its the new plan they have introduced and its fab
its a good diet to join :) in my first 2 months i lost 20.5lbs x
wow thats loads! is it easy to get in to? i just need to bite the bullet and go for it, otherwise i will be pottering around for ages wasting precious time! x
kelz89 said:
wow thats loads! is it easy to get in to? i just need to bite the bullet and go for it, otherwise i will be pottering around for ages wasting precious time! x

In the mirror this weekend they have a sw booklet inside and money off vouchers in the paper too go for it I haven't looked back 13 weeks on and 1st 4lb down
Thanks! I got them :) i'm starting today, wish me luck! xx
thats how i started lost 1/2 a stone in 2 weeks with the mag i got in a paper and had to join dont be put off with the lack of variety in books you get in paper there is loads more choice on the full plan