This time I'm not going to quit!


Full Member

My name is Graeme, and all my life I've been the overweight kid. Now I'm 25 and I'm a seriously overweight adult who's been trying for years to get his weight under control, I'll manage it a little bit and then I'll slip and get even worse, slowly (I say slowly but it was more like falling down a massive hill) my weight has gone up from 18 stones to 27 stones and half a lb. At least that's what I was when I went to my first Slimming World meeting back at the end of May.

A week later I was 12 1/2 lbs lighter.
I nearly cried.

I was encourage to go to Slimming World by a fellow member here, MadameLaMinx, she's also the one who encouraged me to start an account here at MiniMins and to get reading on the diaries and success stories (and the recipes, oh the recipes!)

So I've been lurking a little bit, reading things here and there but I think it's time to get involved in the community and start getting to know people, because I find that to be the most encouraging thing, every time I failed I tried to go it alone, it was something I kept to myself and I didn't share my motivations with anyone, perhaps if I can learn to share I can learn to lose.
ahh hello and a huge welcome to minimins!!

the minxy one wasnt lying when she said its fab here :) and yes you can do will do it!!

and lastly....a bloody big,huge well done on the losses so far - amazing!
woah, we have an inspiration here :) well done and keep at it , i lost my first stone only 3 weeks in , i feel amazing and im sure you do too!
Good Luck hun, wish you all the best in the world, and all of us are behind you to get you to where you want to be

Lulu x x x
Welcome! and congratulations on your fantastic start! :)