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Ooooh thousands I would think :D Plus you wouldn't have time to eat!
Phew how many calories would you use bouncing like that all day....?

Great point! When I was running on the treadmill today it told me I was burning 1000 calories an hour. All I could think was if only I could run like that for an hour. It made me realise how much all those stick thin marathon runners must eat!!

Dizzy x
night, night Sonkie - see you in the morning. I'll be going myself soon too
Good morning peeps.....:p

how are we all today ??!!!

Day 4 of SS-ing for me and (pleased to say)....STILL on that wagon....phew !! took me a while but got there in the end !!!

hope you all have a FAB day :D


Hiya Debz

Well done day 4, hopefully will start to feel a bit easier from here on in.

Feeling a bit under par this morning, coming down with a cold, so not at my best. Sparkling wit & good humour may not be making an appearance today :p
Morning everyone......I woke up at 1.30 this morning with a blinding headache, and pain behind my right took painkillers and slept downstairs.....its not cleard yet though but at least its not pounding now.
Take it easy Sonkie, nothing worse than a headache like that. Have you got a household of children to look after today? That won't help.

Take care hun, hope it eases soon
I have only 1 little un today so not too bad as he prefers to play by himself, it doesnt help having "grumpy" round though, he has already started moaning......!

For all those who are poorly today.
I think that's pretty much everyone.
Hope you are all better really soon.

I was feeling rough this morning but self inflicted. Working too hard at the gym and not nourishing my body well enough and not drinking the water. Had a lovely soothing and energising shower this morning, drank lots of water and concentrating on what I'm eating. Feeling much better now. Good job I have step aerobics in 20 minutes!:eek:

Dizzy x
Thanks Dizzy

Keep on glugging that water, you're sounding very positive this morning - keep up the good work :)
Can I join the "feeling poorly club"???! Sore, tickly throat, cold coming on and generally yuk! No sympathy from my OH .... must remember that for when he goes down with it!!!
Ooodles of sympathy for all those that are under the weather, this time of year is so rubbish!!!!
OOOO my head ache is not budging. I am trying to keep up with my drinks and water but its all making me feel sicky......well little un has gone now so can relax now. :doh: