Time to change

hello ladies i hope u dont mind me reading this thread- im not pregnant yet but hoping to be in the next year :) its really great seeing how you deal with staying positive :)
i would say when i had my little girl i lost a lot of "weight " within the few days after her being born becasue it was all water so u look more puffed up than you actually are!
lots of love x
juicygooseface- love your quote, 2 types of women, women who eat choc and *****es- so true!!!

Well i had a bloody stressful week, never new so much poo could go on in one week, grr. Any ways on a better note the scan went great. got to see my lil baba, soo cute and made things sooo real!!! And i haven't gained much, well a few lbs which is pretty good considering the amount of rubbish I've eaten.

Not been to the gym all week, not through choice. But i am now back at home (been staying with my mum) looking forward to the gym tonight. Just having a nice quiet bru as my lil one is still in bed. Lazy bum!!
aww youre doing really well! sorry to hear youve had poopy troubles! :(
what are you doing to stay on track then hun?
im rejoining slimming world again tonight, gotta lost about a stone to get bk to my happy weight xxx
o i don't mean I've had poopy troubles, ment had a lot of rubbish going on. lol

Fuming today, realized my hair has had layers cut back in :mad: Usually i get my hair done at the collage because its far cheaper, but last week didn't have time because it takes a lot longer. so got mobile hair dresser to come. Thought it felt like she put layers in when she was chopping away. But didn't realize properly till now. When i can never get my hair the same as the hair dresser does. Layers look nice on me, for a week. Then the rest of the time it looks like my hair is frizzy, fly away and needs a good cut. God!!!! grrrr its a bloody mess.... do you realize I've only just grown them out!!! it took flaming years and years and years. :'(

Going on our hols tomorrow, yeahhh!!! so been sorting the house out, doing all the washing... and now the dryers broke... ahhh!!! what else can go wrong. So having a big pig out on junk, which makes me feel better for about a min, then theres more complaining about how much of a pig i am and how fat i feel.
oh dont feel like a pig hun i dont blame u for eating junk when uve had a rough time! grr yeh hairdressers are a nightmare u have to find one u really like and stick with them, i only get my hair done twice a year cos my hairdresser is a bit expensive but i know shes always going to do a good job so i dont mind. layers do that to my hair too! im sure u look lovely and (dare i say it).. maybe your just having a bad day?
hope u feel better soon :) xxx
came back from holidays.... was great, apart from it rained all week and was bloody freezing!! still, loved getting away, change of routine. (even tho we was still in uk!) Came back more chilled out... and half a stone heavier!!!! ahhhh. Well i came back and plonked myself on scales- was 10stone 8 3/4.... ahhh... but after eating ok over weekend now down a bit to 10stone 4 1/2.

Week 16 and i've already put on 7lbs ahhhh!! I can feel it now... need to stop stuffing my face, but i just cant help it!!!! And its not just baby weight!!!! its all over, wobbly bit eveywhere, uhhh!!! One thing my boobs have gone hugeee, so sore tho! and i no after baby comes they will be a shivelled mess :-(
I feel the same my boobs are huge and my face is well into the double chins! It's always the same when your on holiday..I'm sure you will pull it back a bit this week x
Put on yet more weight :-( well is expected i no, but hate seeing the number on the scales go up. Doesn't help we had lots of family do's at the weekend, which ment junk food and cakes, lots of it!! yum yum! week 20 and put on 11 pounds. Gained 4 inches on my waist so far and 3 on hips. Non on legs and arms-phew. Wish i was taking track on my bum as well, altho think that would just depress me! def gained on boobs, they feel ready to pop. Well from now on looks like i suppose to be gaining about a pound a week :-( orrr its sooo depressing. But i just have to think its all baby weight (i really really hope!)

scan on saturday aw so excited, decided we are not going to find out. and just signed up to yet another baby website. Get weekly emails now not only from various bounty and baby sites telling me my progress on baby but also a weekly weight one, on how much i should be looking at gaining etc etc. even though i no, i'm just a geek who likes to make sure :) Half way through... god... its going to drag!!! i'm just to inpatient! want to meet my lil one now
Had 20week scan today, awww he's so cute!!! keep calling it a him- we didn't find out. But boys run in both sides of the family so reckon it will be yet another boy. Didn't want to find out as had emergency section with first and didn't want to end up with a section again and no the date/time and sex of baby. No element of surprise then. And looking forward to going into hospital with a nice pink outfit and blue one and wondering which one will he/she be wearing.
shazza87 said:
Had 20week scan today, awww he's so cute!!! keep calling it a him- we didn't find out. But boys run in both sides of the family so reckon it will be yet another boy. Didn't want to find out as had emergency section with first and didn't want to end up with a section again and no the date/time and sex of baby. No element of surprise then. And looking forward to going into hospital with a nice pink outfit and blue one and wondering which one will he/she be wearing.

Ah that'll a a nice surprise, me I was too impatient lol. I started off wanting a surprise this time, by 18 weeks I'd changed my mind and we found out x
weeks seem to be dragging lately!! bumps starting to kick loads and a lot harder!! Every time I'm like o o he moved feel, then he stops. Think I'm doing the bfs head in already! Gained another 1lb :-( This trying to not gain much weight is harder than i thought... i keep using well i'm pregnant excuse. Which after last time i regretted, i just can't help it though, i have no self control!!
put on yet another 3/4 of a pound. Home made cheesecake didn't help. I got fed up with my weight gain last week i decided to start calorie counting, which sadly only lasted... a day!!! god i am so rubbish at this!!
Pregnancy is a mysterious thing. Your body needs more vitamins and proteins and all these food your baby to be healthy and nice. I like all these diets and things like this, but NOT during pregnancy, do not risk the life of your baby for your beauty :)

I dont think there is many of us doing it for beauty, I piled the weight in on in my last pregnancy and with being overweight this time round just wanted a way to keep on track of it. By keeping a diary you can keep track of your food to make sure you are getting all the right vitamins etc but not to excess. I agree its not about dieting but about healthy eating but preganancy is not an excuse to eat what you want x
Another 1lbs and half gain :-( Did panic though as i thought i put on 4lbs in a week, luckily my scales where wrong! Phew!
Yeah a week where I've stayed the same. Found some yummy healthy recipes what both me and my lil lad like- not so much the other half anything healthy he's not interested! egg-white and cottage cheese quiche, yum!! and courgette boats with carrots, onion and sultana's, sounded horrible but i thought I'd give them a go and there yummy to. Everyone's noticing my bump getting bigger now :-( i'm only 23 weeks I'm going to be huge
26 weeks pregnant stayed the same for a few weeks, yeah. Really been trying to watch what i eat.... well during the day i'm good, night time i have lil pig out, but stay within my calories. Trying to walk at least hour 5x per week and gym 4 x. Altho last week i only went once :-( did want to go more, but other commitment came up and one day i was just aching, desperate to go, was in my gym stuff and everything! but thought na not worth it.
Had a good week, but bad weekend :-( stayed the same weight till weekend came, jumped on the scales this morning and put on 3lbs in 2 days ah not good. Went out for a friends birthday so went a bit mad, also had kebab, chips and lots and lot of chocolate. Felt like i had put weight on but 3lbs ! been having bad stomach ache this week to and feeling like I've doubled in size. Don't no if its because baby is growing or just because i ate to much. Probably a bit of both!
Trying to be good now but feel sooo hungry all the time.
Well been a good few weeks, haven't put any weight on for 10 weeks, yeah! Well i have but then don't no how managed to loose it again. Currently 31 + 5 nearly 8 more weeks left. Can't wait now, washed all the clothes, bedding, all the rooms sorted and ready to go. Come on hurry up, getting impatient. Really watching what i eat now, so worried these final weeks i'm going to loose it and eat everything! Total weight gain so far- 1 stone.
5 weeks and 4 days left!! ahh getting so excited to see our lil new baby. Sleep is a nightmare!!! Actually counted i was up 6times in the night just for a pee, let alone moaning and kicking the bf for snoring and then baby deciding its play time. The night before that snoring was that bad i had to go in lil lads room and sleep in his big boy bed he's nearly time to move into. Nearly there to taking his dummy off him, thought best get him of before new baby arrives. Just means his afternoon naps have gone from a nice 1 1/2hours-2 1/2 hours... to half hour! and still waking up a grumpy moody bum. Altho past few days he's been getting better. Phew!! Lack of sleep for me- grumpy boy- = moody everyone!

Babys kicks getting in the way of everything, as lovely as they are (at times) Partner not happy as i tell him no, lol- babys always awake and booting. Bf tells me ignore it- but i can't! so stuck my elbow digging in him and said right you ignore that keep hitting ya! Its bit off putting!! lol and there not even cute little flutters any more... then huge massive painful kicks!! In a few years time when i'm getting broody and miss being pregnant and the little flutters. will have to look back at this and remember how tired, achy, moany, lack of sleep and painful kicks you get. But will get an amazing lil baby from it all!!! So amazing how there's actually a baby inside my tummy!

Actually lost 1/2 pound this week, god no's how! Hopefully i can stay the same for the next 5 week.