Time to get serious!

hmm, well it did take me all weekend! just applied for one more job, half applied for another but a glitch on their website means I can't upload my CV :-( so emailed their support about that! Then also emailed another one about a role I got immediate refusal for even though its basically what i already do (grr) then still have to apply for promotion in my current role and my cwpc form!

I am gonna be one stressed out mofo the next few weeks, so much to do in work and personal life :-(

You will have a busy few weeks but hopefully have a great holiday to relax and forget it all for a while!

You have got a lot done this weekend haven't you! That's great. Get the forms sorted lol and ul b much happier xx
This morning I had a shake, got home early afternoon and had another, then read your post and felt a bit like I'm being bad, so went and got a portion of 810 recipe dhal soup out and ate that too! still hate the full feeling i got from it though. But will be good and have some yogurt later with my last pack so I get my full 810. It makes sense when you spell it out, but with the scales stalling as they did all week and still seeing quite a hefty layer of fat around my middrift It's really hard to comprehend eating more :-(

I'll give it a try properly now. I suppose I need to give it a chance!

Thanks hun

Oh whoops, didn't mean to make you feel bad - sorry! :hug99: Just wanted you to know 810 will work - and why.

And Hythe, eh? LOL, it's a small world. I used to teach in Brockenhurst - a very very long time ago, mind. :)
Oh whoops, didn't mean to make you feel bad - sorry! :hug99: Just wanted you to know 810 will work - and why.

And Hythe, eh? LOL, it's a small world. I used to teach in Brockenhurst - a very very long time ago, mind. :)

Nah, it's cool, let's call it a gentle kick up the ass, a grab by the shoulders and shake moment. I need to stick to something for a while, have been all over the place and very indecisive lately!

Anyways, I can keep eating my yogurt/shake combos on 810 which I LOOOVE! I guess I just freaked when the scales didn't move for so long, it's the first time in 6 months that happened, I even lost when I had a long weekend off plan! But factor in water from exercise and potentially from the extra calories on 810 and its actually quite realistic that would happen, I was just too scared to stay around long enough for it to correct itself!

The good news is, when I weigh myself tomorrow. Morning, I think at least I will be happy with any sort of loss I get... Wouldn't have said that before!

Gonna keep up my swimming 1-2 times a week since its important if I wanna tone this flab feat of a body (tmi, soz) and if the scales wanna hold up because of it... So be it!
Nah, it's cool, let's call it a gentle kick up the ass, a grab by the shoulders and shake moment. I need to stick to something for a while, have been all over the place and very indecisive lately!

Anyways, I can keep eating my yogurt/shake combos on 810 which I LOOOVE! I guess I just freaked when the scales didn't move for so long, it's the first time in 6 months that happened, I even lost when I had a long weekend off plan! But factor in water from exercise and potentially from the extra calories on 810 and its actually quite realistic that would happen, I was just too scared to stay around long enough for it to correct itself!

The good news is, when I weigh myself tomorrow. Morning, I think at least I will be happy with any sort of loss I get... Wouldn't have said that before!

Gonna keep up my swimming 1-2 times a week since its important if I wanna tone this flab feat of a body (tmi, soz) and if the scales wanna hold up because of it... So be it!

Don't forget that shower in the morning lol

810 is the way forward. Give urself to at least the potential holiday date and see how you go?

Can't wait til I get to goal you will be soo happy and so will I lol I'm excited x
Today is hard!!

I don't like this whole eating malarky sometimes, since once i start, I wan't more - well today I do at least!

My dad was just cooking, i didn't dare look but i'm pretty sure he had a burger with bacon and egg!! I do worry about the food he has though, he often has 4 eggs on 4 toast or 3 bacon sandwiches for breakfast, it's so bad for him! doesn't stop it smelling good though!

Had choc shake for breakky, strawberry and greek yog for lunch, then ive got quorn fillets marinating in tandoori spices as we speak for dinner with some broccoli probably. just realised i've only weighed out 200g as i was looking at the wrong page, that's more than enough though!! then another shake.

Working on a mammoth spreadsheet and forcing myself to take a break for a little while, but it's stressing me so much i just need to get it done!

weigh in today was 1lb, it's gonna be a loooong slow journey to target this way! esp with whatever I gain on hols - don't care what anyone says, If i go, I'm deffo SSing a few days when I get back!

The spreadhseet boredom got to me, I just gave in and had a shake, I don't usually allow myself something until at least 3.30 :-(

and I wan't morrrreeee!!

stressing about work, stressing about holiday, and stressing about everything else in between!


and not managing much water either :-(

Today is hard!!

I don't like this whole eating malarky sometimes, since once i start, I wan't more - well today I do at least!

My dad was just cooking, i didn't dare look but i'm pretty sure he had a burger with bacon and egg!! I do worry about the food he has though, he often has 4 eggs on 4 toast or 3 bacon sandwiches for breakfast, it's so bad for him! doesn't stop it smelling good though!

Had choc shake for breakky, strawberry and greek yog for lunch, then ive got quorn fillets marinating in tandoori spices as we speak for dinner with some broccoli probably. just realised i've only weighed out 200g as i was looking at the wrong page, that's more than enough though!! then another shake.

Working on a mammoth spreadsheet and forcing myself to take a break for a little while, but it's stressing me so much i just need to get it done!

weigh in today was 1lb, it's gonna be a loooong slow journey to target this way! esp with whatever I gain on hols - don't care what anyone says, If i go, I'm deffo SSing a few days when I get back!


Well 1lb is a loss isn't it? How much more to goal?

I know some days can be hard! I find this week I'm so hungry maybe because i know I'm eating nxt week.

Just push through huni and the stress will pass as time passes :)

Well 1lb is a loss isn't it? How much more to goal?

I know some days can be hard! I find this week I'm so hungry maybe because i know I'm eating nxt week.

Just push through huni and the stress will pass as time passes :)


I wish the stress would pass, but the work stress is here to stay for the rest of the year - why did I volunteer to do Christmas! I've seen it take down the best of people before, then I offered? Must have been an off day!

10.5lbs to go.... yeah a loss is a loss, I guess I'm feeling a bit despondent! I'm not even that fussed about going and stuffing my face, and actually apart from the flab, I look ok as i am (with clothes on) I guess I just really want to get to target to prove something to myself now. Now I am just hoping I can get into the 9s before 15June (no longer referring to it as the holiday), that's a half stone compromise on my original plan of target by then!

Just seen the date, ok so it is the end of the month, meaning I am inclined to be suffering hunger, headaches and foul moods for a few days. has anyone else noticed theyre much moodier than before? I know I have other stresses not helping matters, but I was a bit unpleasant to rana yesterday, and my tolerance level is currently standing at 0! I mean I literally turn into a monster these days, horrible! so just in case, If i do forget my filter on here I'm sorry!!

AAAHHHH! I need some happy! its even raining here :-(

I could order a laptop by 7pm and have it on the way home from work tomorrow... might make me feel a bit better maybe - or worse - i don't know!!!

I wish the stress would pass, but the work stress is here to stay for the rest of the year - why did I volunteer to do Christmas! I've seen it take down the best of people before, then I offered? Must have been an off day!

10.5lbs to go.... yeah a loss is a loss, I guess I'm feeling a bit despondent! I'm not even that fussed about going and stuffing my face, and actually apart from the flab, I look ok as i am (with clothes on) I guess I just really want to get to target to prove something to myself now. Now I am just hoping I can get into the 9s before 15June (no longer referring to it as the holiday), that's a half stone compromise on my original plan of target by then!

Just seen the date, ok so it is the end of the month, meaning I am inclined to be suffering hunger, headaches and foul moods for a few days. has anyone else noticed theyre much moodier than before? I know I have other stresses not helping matters, but I was a bit unpleasant to rana yesterday, and my tolerance level is currently standing at 0! I mean I literally turn into a monster these days, horrible! so just in case, If i do forget my filter on here I'm sorry!!

AAAHHHH! I need some happy! its even raining here :-(

I could order a laptop by 7pm and have it on the way home from work tomorrow... might make me feel a bit better maybe - or worse - i don't know!!!


You will feel a great sense of achievement when Christmas planning is done and ul have done a great job :) lol

Do 810 this entire week and I think ul def see a drop!

I'm due TOTM this week and I'm hooongray!!!! Lol but I won't give in ha!

Very moody and snappy unless something smaller fits or the scales love me lol

Get the laptop! You won't regret it :D

You will feel a great sense of achievement when Christmas planning is done and ul have done a great job :) lol

Do 810 this entire week and I think ul def see a drop!

I'm due TOTM this week and I'm hooongray!!!! Lol but I won't give in ha!

Very moody and snappy unless something smaller fits or the scales love me lol

Get the laptop! You won't regret it :D


hopefully....today is more like a 950 day, stole one of my mums slim and save bars at a low point!! hey ho!

we're gonna make a right pair these next few days then lol.

roll on 6ish so i can go eat my dinner!!!

hopefully....today is more like a 950 day, stole one of my mums slim and save bars at a low point!! hey ho!

we're gonna make a right pair these next few days then lol.

roll on 6ish so i can go eat my dinner!!!


Lmao I know just claw at each other instead of our poor innocent victims lol

The bar won't matter just don't do it tomorrow lol

Lmao I know just claw at each other instead of our poor innocent victims lol

The bar won't matter just don't do it tomorrow lol


Back in the office tomorrow so will be fine, and back on the water again.

Right, shouldve finished work ages ago and have barely had a break all day so I am officially abandoning that spreadsheet until tomorrow.

I was rather impressed with the fillets :) only downside is that (as lyn said) the allowance is most of the pack!! I had 4, but actually got the weight wrong, should actually be more like 5-5 and a half and there's only 6 in a pack!!
That's a lot! Can't u have an extra something else and half the portion of quorn? Or else use it as a snack the next day?