Time to get serious!

Hey Hey crazydiamond

Come on admit it doesnt it feel good to have too many choices instead of what can I hide best in? You have done awesome so far and OMG you have a lush wardrobe lol

Haha Ria this is Lucy :) xx

Hi Lucy!!

haha yeah true, the funny thing is for years I've never had any tops, now i have loadsa tops, and I jut don't know what to do! It's the first holiday where I won't be defaulting to primark vest tops every day, getting dressed is gonna be a nightmare!!

Glad lunch was worth the wait! :)

Naughty rana! Lol ice cream is a start :p

Lol I dread packing because il pack what I don't need lol but I'm sure il figure it out huni :) xxxx

Oh and he brought the laptop he bought the other week with him (even though I told him not to) and told me to keep it for as long as I need before he goes back to India, so I am typing away on a brand new laptop! MEANING tomorrow if the weather is nice I can work from home in the garden! It's so lovely the fact the the what's mine is yours thing comes from him as well, in past relationships my exes just stole my stuff and didn't give it back!!

still, i do prefer minimins on my iphone. only a few more hours until we are reunited!

I always pack too much, and then last year I was like "right, I'm going to take only what I need and not too much" and I didn't have enough to wear!! So for holidays I think more is better!

Glad you had a good time, the food baby you feel like you might be carrying will have gone by tomorrow ;) x

When I went to India I came in waaay under my allowance (well, going out at least!) , I DO NOT know how I managed it, apart from maybe i stripped out anything that I thought might be vaguely offensive.... oh god, maybe all of my clothes are very far from modest lol that's why i have so much to take cos there's no modesty filter in my brain!

I Wish! that food baby had me up at 3am! bit of a poorly tummy! i all fairness it was abit dodgy yesterday morning with know reason (had stuck to plan up until then) the only thing i can think of (assuming it's the same thing) is that when i was preparing the raw chicken, I don't know how but brushed my inner lip with a chickeny finger - who knows, or it could just be coincidence, either way my tummy still hurts, I feel like crap and the scales are 2lbs heavier this morning! Tummy is also gurgling like anything.

So, don't know whats going on, but it has served as a big reminder that next week I need to watch my portion size, fine, have a bit of everything but I do not need to finish my plate every time! and when my tummy says stop, stop, even if it does taste good!

oh I feel so sick.....lots to do today....maybe 1 more hr sat in bed then I must move


Think I'm gonna SS it today, I just can't bear the thought of anything more than that today, bleuugghh!!

Stomach is gurgling like a creepy monster!

It's become a regular should source Sunday for me lol

The 2lbs will fly off, it's just the food weight. I know how it feels though, when you eat super healthy and "clean" and then you eat crap it really does make you feel rubbish after. Feels good at the time, but awful after!

Yours is mine attitude is nice :) I think I take that for advantage as luckily most people around me are like that (guess I'm drawn to like minded people maybe)?

Take it easy today, drink lots of water, and you'll feel much better tomorrow :) x
How's today going? That was nice to get the new laptop for a while.

Good luck packing!! Lol I'm still sat on my bed thinking about staring to sort this room and getting nowhere fast lol

Dunno why when I tidy my room I procrastinate but any other room I just get on with it! Maybe because I'm looking at it like a massive task rather than just doing it lol who knows?! Il get there lol

How's today going? That was nice to get the new laptop for a while.

Good luck packing!! Lol I'm still sat on my bed thinking about staring to sort this room and getting nowhere fast lol

Dunno why when I tidy my room I procrastinate but any other room I just get on with it! Maybe because I'm looking at it like a massive task rather than just doing it lol who knows?! Il get there lol


Yup, same here, I'm really good at procrastinating! I did a little ironing, took it up to pack then decided I'd much rather ho back outside and sit in the sun!
So happy thing for the day was buying a pair of size 8 skinny jeans - no I'm not an 8 but the sizing was really dodgy, I started with a 12 and worked my way down - same old new look super soft super skinnys, the ones I can't even get the button to meet on in a size 10 in black. Funny really! Got a cute dress and finally found a new blazer I like as well!

No more shopping required, I have more than I need for holiday, just hoping there's room to pack a reasonable selection!

Was weird seeing the ship sail off yesterday knowing this time next week I won't watch it but i be on it!! Yay!

Oh and feeling much better now thanks to what has turned into a ss+ day as I had milk in my last shake. Actually I might end up having 4 but ill see how I go. I really think doing that after a heavy day is a great idea, in fact I was thinking earlier I might take a few shakes on hol with me just in case I don't always feel up to food! 5:2 is a really good idea - though not sure if manage it on hol but good to give myself the option of a shake Instead of the odd meal of I don't feel great. But like I said before its all about portion control really!
So happy thing for the day was buying a pair of size 8 skinny jeans - no I'm not an 8 but the sizing was really dodgy, I started with a 12 and worked my way down - same old new look super soft super skinnys, the ones I can't even get the button to meet on in a size 10 in black. Funny really! Got a cute dress and finally found a new blazer I like as well!

No more shopping required, I have more than I need for holiday, just hoping there's room to pack a reasonable selection!

Was weird seeing the ship sail off yesterday knowing this time next week I won't watch it but i be on it!! Yay!

Oh and feeling much better now thanks to what has turned into a ss+ day as I had milk in my last shake. Actually I might end up having 4 but ill see how I go. I really think doing that after a heavy day is a great idea, in fact I was thinking earlier I might take a few shakes on hol with me just in case I don't always feel up to food! 5:2 is a really good idea - though not sure if manage it on hol but good to give myself the option of a shake Instead of the odd meal of I don't feel great. But like I said before its all about portion control really!

Yay for size 8's lol

Ur having a good day! Aside from the fact that you haven't done what you are supposed to be doing lol packing!! Ur gonna have a lot of late nights this week if you don't lol

Right, almost done! All I need to pack is the stuff I need to use this week! Woop!

On the diet front, had 3 packs and 225ml milk, so SS+ today. Been quite hungry this evening but have resisted a 4th pack. Hoping it will help counteract yesterday. Back to step two tomorrow - looking forward to my yog for breakfast! Might do another SS(+) day Thursday (like 5:2) for a final little boost before hols! Really wanna see the 9s before I go!

I can't wait to get away and wear all of my lovely new clothes!!


Good going on the packing front! I don't mind packing so much, but detest unpacking! Urgh, so depressing! I'm sure you'll be able to see the 9s before you go, how close are you? Did you get a new swimming cozzie/tanking?/bikini? too?
Good going on the packing front! I don't mind packing so much, but detest unpacking! Urgh, so depressing! I'm sure you'll be able to see the 9s before you go, how close are you? Did you get a new swimming cozzie/tanking?/bikini? too?

Oh I hope so!

No new swimwear but I got a new swimsuit not too long ago :) one-piece - you'll never see me in a bikini!

Right, almost done! All I need to pack is the stuff I need to use this week! Woop!

On the diet front, had 3 packs and 225ml milk, so SS+ today. Been quite hungry this evening but have resisted a 4th pack. Hoping it will help counteract yesterday. Back to step two tomorrow - looking forward to my yog for breakfast! Might do another SS(+) day Thursday (like 5:2) for a final little boost before hols! Really wanna see the 9s before I go!

I can't wait to get away and wear all of my lovely new clothes!!




How much do u need to get into the 9's??

Oh shush ria!!! Step 2 is officially over for me now!
:( I want the yoghurt!! Pretty sure I've stayed the same this week. Il know for sure tmz!!

Yay for wearing new clothes hoping my new look order will be here tmz got an email earlier saying it had been dispatched eeeeek!!!


How much do u need to get into the 9's??

Oh shush ria!!! Step 2 is officially over for me now!
:( I want the yoghurt!! Pretty sure I've stayed the same this week. Il know for sure tmz!!

Yay for wearing new clothes hoping my new look order will be here tmz got an email earlier saying it had been dispatched eeeeek!!!


I'm not sure... Yesterday morning it was 2.5lbs.... Today probably more... Ill see what tomorrow brings!

You can still have some yog occasionally if you do the odd SS+ day! :)

Yay for your new look order! They're my favourite sort of parcels!

I'm not sure... Yesterday morning it was 2.5lbs.... Today probably more... Ill see what tomorrow brings!

You can still have some yog occasionally if you do the odd SS+ day! :)

Yay for your new look order! They're my favourite sort of parcels!


Lol defo can't wait for my mini fashion show in front of the mirror lol

Hopefully Tuesdays weigh in will be good news! Xx
Hiya hun!

Have just read through the whole of your diary and can relate so much!

Well done on your achievements you have done absolutely fantastic :D

I'm 5ft 7" and now 10st 3lb, been doing Exante VLCD for the last 22 weeks and started at 14st 12lbs. My losses have slowed right down now I am 10lb from goal (9st 7lbs) and its been great reading about your step up to SS+. Have been considering it myself but am giving it another week before deciding. Really inspiring and great meal ideas in your diary!

Im also anticipating getting into those 9s!

Looking forward to following your progress, Hope you have a fantastic holiday! xx
Hiya hun!

Have just read through the whole of your diary and can relate so much!

Well done on your achievements you have done absolutely fantastic :D

I'm 5ft 7" and now 10st 3lb, been doing Exante VLCD for the last 22 weeks and started at 14st 12lbs. My losses have slowed right down now I am 10lb from goal (9st 7lbs) and its been great reading about your step up to SS+. Have been considering it myself but am giving it another week before deciding. Really inspiring and great meal ideas in your diary!

Im also anticipating getting into those 9s!

Looking forward to following your progress, Hope you have a fantastic holiday! xx

Wow, that's a feat! I tried doing that the other day and gave up about page 5 lol.

Apart from you having a couple of inches on me our stats are basically the same! That's awesome! Does exante have steps for you to move through? Since I should imagine you will be struggling on a VLCD now - are you not finding you get more dizzy spells lately?

Oh those illusive 9s... I have 5 days for them to show themselves!

Wow, that's a feat! I tried doing that the other day and gave up about page 5 lol.

Apart from you having a couple of inches on me our stats are basically the same! That's awesome! Does exante have steps for you to move through? Since I should imagine you will be struggling on a VLCD now - are you not finding you get more dizzy spells lately?

Oh those illusive 9s... I have 5 days for them to show themselves!


They will show!

I get dizzy more I find, especially getting up. Get a weird kind of black tunnel vision- think its part of the diet though...
Wow, that's a feat! I tried doing that the other day and gave up about page 5 lol.

Apart from you having a couple of inches on me our stats are basically the same! That's awesome! Does exante have steps for you to move through? Since I should imagine you will be struggling on a VLCD now - are you not finding you get more dizzy spells lately?

Oh those illusive 9s... I have 5 days for them to show themselves!


You are soooo close now, You'll be in them! How exciting :D

Yeah Exante has Total Solution as a version of SS, We have 3 packs a day on that. Then the step up is Working Solution, 3 packs plus a low carb high protein meal 200-400 cals. I'm thinking of switching to this ASAP. I Havnt had any dizzy spells but the hunger and craving has increased over the last few weeks and the weight loss is almost non existent, which isn't good enough for the little amount I am having. Reading your diary has given me great info and confidence to change plan!

I will deffo be trying some of your fab meals :D

Have a fab day xx