Time to knuckle down


Full Member
I started Ww start of July in 8 weeks I've lost 8lb, basically a little slow cos weekends away, birthdays etc... So it's weigh in day and time for me to concentrate, still got loads on socially but at least I've still lost and maintained despite the social life. So 3 stone to lose..here we go, game face on !! Haha
Thanks very much x. Well I stayed the same so I didn't put on after my weekend off x. So I'm glad I've got a clear week infront of me xx
melmbelm said:
Thanks very much x. Well I stayed the same so I didn't put on after my weekend off x. So I'm glad I've got a clear week infront of me xx

I've been in a similar boat... And got a few more weeks of it yet! Looking forward to a clear diary & fresh start :) You can do it! Take each day as it comes & you'll be on track in no time!

Charli XxX
Thanks lasses x. Yeah I'm away for a week in 3 weeks as well a few days away.. Tis the scenic route for me haha x

Beauty of weightwatchers is exactly that I guess, being able to have your life and try to lose weight x
melmbelm said:
Thanks lasses x. Yeah I'm away for a week in 3 weeks as well a few days away.. Tis the scenic route for me haha x

Beauty of weightwatchers is exactly that I guess, being able to have your life and try to lose weight x

Yep, doesn't feel like a "diet" in the traditional sense! And life needs to be enjoyed... Scenic is still the right direction, just more fun :)

Charli XxX
melmbelm said:
Thanks lasses x. Yeah I'm away for a week in 3 weeks as well a few days away.. Tis the scenic route for me haha x

Beauty of weightwatchers is exactly that I guess, being able to have your life and try to lose weight x

Best way :0) we will all get there in the end..no good putting our lives on hold!
Day 3.... And still motivated.. Haha, seriously that's an achievement. Thing is this time I want to change my outside!! If that makes sense, I really want to change xx
So no exercise yesterday done almost 13 hours at work.. Just had a wrap when I got home.. Starving today of course haga x.
Been looking at them slow cooker recipes and think I'm going to try summit tommorow, maybe the chicken stew ? X.
Good luck everyone x