To insanity and beyond...fasting and exercising to shift the pounds

Sun - Fast day

Ex - insanity cardio plyo circuit

B - black coffee
L - 1/2 chicken breast and salad, 250
T - starbucks bircher muesli, 300

550 cal
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Found fasting today hard :( and still v tired. Not sure what's up. On & off hunger all day :( but it's done...:)
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Urgghh. Couldn't sleep til 2 am. Hungry and missed my sleep window. In the end I had a muller light and that helped.
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Plan for this week:
M - (12.4) free / rest
T - (12.8) healthy/ insanity power & resistance
W - (12.7) fast / insanity cardio circuit
Th - healthy / insanity cardio recovery / pure cardio
F - free / insanity power & resistance
S - fast / insanity pure cardio & abs
S - healthy / fit test

I'm having to cram workouts in this week as I'm away from Tues - Fri next week and won't be able to do them. I'm only having one free for that reason...I'll definitely eat and drink more when I'm away.
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Official weigh in.....down 8.5 lbs! Yay! Now, 8 lbs of that was last week's gain after falling off the low carb wagon & refilling my glycogen / water, but I'm now low carb anymore and I had 2 very indulgent days out so I am delighted to have shifted all of that plus an extra half lb.

My goal of 1 stone by next weigh (6 weeks) is now possible, although unlikely after such a big loss this week. Anyway, I'll stick to the plan and ill be near it :)
Oh bad food day yesterday. And to compound it I skipped my work out. To be honest, I'm not surprised. For the first time ever I found fasting hard the day before and I think 3 fasts in one week was too much. I need to listen to my body more.

So I'm fasting today and I think I'll stick to 2 fasts this week.

I may catch up the missed workout. I might double up on cardio recovery day, we'll see.
Tues 27 may

Supposed to be a fast day but really wasn't in the mood...made it to lunchtime.

Ex: cardio power & resistance

Lunch: homemade tomato soup, 2 slices bread
Snack: soya latte
Dinner: large salad, wholemeal pasta with butter bean & chorizo sauce & grated cheddar
Snack tube of roles
:( Any idea what's causing it? For me, old habits are hard to shake. If I sit on a particular chair in the evening to watch TV I automatically want to eat because that's what I've always done. And when I was doing JUDDD I struggled with binging quite often because I'd fast part of the day and then decide I couldn't do it any longer. By then I'd be completely obsessed with food and I'd figure since I'd blown it anyway I may as well have whatever I wanted. I don't know if that's at all similar to what you're experiencing or not. I won't say I'm over the binging now because I'm not, but I'm doing a lot better now that I'm on Atkins and my appetite is under control for the first time in my life. I think I remember you saying once that Atkins didn't agree with you so I'm not sure what to say. Wish I had some brilliant advice for you! Hang in there.
How are you song Miss?? I've been AWOL for 5 months and back with my tail between my legs... I've been v bad.. But eager to hear how you've been. Hope you're well, how's the running? I'll be back posting again. Out of denial mode and back into tackle this mess mode!!
