Tomorrow is the big day!

I can't get anything in my freezer - it's stuffed with stuff because I hate throwing food away too so freeze lots. Problem is, because there's only me and a 7 seven year old, if I do a cottage pie or lasagne I do a large one and freeze what we don't eat but then never get round to defrosting it. And I'm always tempted by the BOGOF offers in Sainsbury's so there's a ton of the 'get one free's in there too. I think my problem with food comes from the opposite end of the spectrum to you. There was always a ton of food in our house and mum used to bake all the time. But there was never any limit put on our appetites and as someone who was naturally greedy I stuffed myself. My sister though has always been slim. I also knackered my metabolism at school because I never used to eat breakfast, then I'd spend my lunch money on fags, so I only used to eat once a day and I would eat from the minute I got home from school to when I went to bed. Having said that, looking back I was slim to pretty slim for most of my 20s and into my 30s (although I always thought I was fat) and then I started living this party girl lifestyle and started eating out a lot and drinking loads and the weight just started creeping up. I was 13st when I got pregnant at 41 and was 16st 10lbs at the end of my pregnancy. I did get back down to 13st 10lbs at one point but then found it really difficult to lose weight and started putting it on again. About two years ago I was finally diagnosed with an underactive thyroid which would explain why I was finding it so hard to lose weight and I was hoping that once they found the right dosage of Thyroxine the weight would start coming off. It didn't. So I've finally had enough and here I am.
There's always a reason why we've developed the eating habits that we have.....just got to find out how and why and rewire our memories....sounds peculiar but makes a lot of sense.

You'll get there, just stick at it x
Thanks and thanks for compliment on my photo. That was at my brother's wedding last June. I'm half a stone lighter now than I was when that was taken. That's a good feeling.
is the chicken soup nice hun? all i like is da choc milkshake but i dont wana get sick of it & i fancy something warm.. only found out about da soups & i rang da pharmasist today but they wont have any until tomorrow:-( keep up the good work x

hi bubbles, i really liked the soup it's alot like a creamy thick cuppa soup, worth a try:)