Tricks of the trade!!


Full Member
Does anyone have any good tips for getting motivated?? Just lately I'm finding it so hard as at the moment my shifts are all over the place so I can't really plan.. I'm just feeling soo 'blah' if anyone knows how that feels lol.. Just need motivation.. Thanks guys :)
I know exactly how you feel. & when I finally get home I'm usually far too tired to be thinking about food planning for the next day.

Take some time to read through the magazine/website, the success stories really help me when I need motivation.

The way I've got around my awkward shifts and uni timetable is to bulk cook/prepare all on one day and then freeze it/keep it in the fridge so there is always something quick and easy to eat and no excuses :)

Good luck x
I know exactly how you feel as I myself am in just such a "blah" period. I think staying to group really does help things. Having people I've known (via group) for a good while, to talk to who have experienced the same kinds of things, really does help. You just have to think why you want to lose the weight and focus on that to get back into it. Regardless of what anyone can say to help you, its your own focus you need to find again to get back on track
I work full time shifts and have a baby, so don't always have the time or chance to whip up meals from scratch. I keep my cupboards filled with low syn things I can grab and cook quick and easy.

I always have loads of mug shots and I also like the dolmio pasta pots that are about 6 syns each on green/EE. I also have a few asda frozen ready meals that are all under 5 syns on green/EE. Things like jacket potatoes, eggs and pasta are all quick and easy to whip up. I also use frozen veg and have some frozen meats that can be cooked without defrosting. I always make more than we need when cooking myself, so will keep left overs either to freeze or have in work the next day.

I just try and make sure that every shop I stock up on this kind of stuff so I always have something SW friendly to have, even if it is just a mug shot, yogurt, fruit and a cereal bar!
Whenever I do have time to cook I prepare a huge amount and then freeze in portions ... just one week of cooking every night filled the freezer and now I only have to cook from scratch 3 nights a week in order to keep it stocked.

For me just knowing that I don't have to stand in the kitchen for an hour or more after a long day with WI/shopping etc straight after work keeps me on track xx
Well I've sort of got my motivation back as my new scales have come today and I braved it and weight myself.. And after two weeks of dominos pizza, chinese, chocolate, biscuits and cake I've actually stayed the same!! Amazing, I'm soo happy with that. Feel like I've got a 2nd chance as amazingly that food somehow didn't effect me!!! I'm 100 percent from today :).. Thanks for all the advice guys xxxx
PLan Plan and plan again. Look at what shifts your on and plan your meals, HEX's and syns in advance. I find I do better at work because I plan all my food out the night before and take it with me. Then I can eat and eat all I've got without having to think about it.
Look at a really bad or really good photo of yourself.
Look at a really bad or really good photo of yourself.
To be honest I have no pictures of myself, sad thing is I've dodged all pictures since I was about 17.. Really want to take one, so I can do before and after pictures but I just don't dare :(
Slave my rear off in the kitchen making soups for lunches and sauces /chillis / currys / stews for the freezer that means I've always got something in there for the "meh I can't be bothered" days.

I also shop online and collect at the store to stop me browsing too much and buying crap!!
To be honest I have no pictures of myself, sad thing is I've dodged all pictures since I was about 17.. Really want to take one, so I can do before and after pictures but I just don't dare :(

Ghostie you really must take one- you'll be grateful at the end! Perhaps take a photo and don't look at it for a couple of months. Or ask someone else to take one?
My mum has lost 4st4lb so far on Slimming World and when we saw a picture of her yesterday that was taken last Christmas we just couldn't believe it! It really spurred her on to continue! She has about 3 stone to go now and what a transformation that will be!

You can do it Ghostie!!! xxxx