Trying not to give up already!

I henny popping by to show support hun.

So glad you didnt give up and well done on the loss this week. A healthy loss is 1-2lbs per week so your right on track. You could still keep a diary on here hun just write down everything you eat, we will help and support you all we can. When your Consultant looked at your diary did she point anything out you could change?

There are lots of diaries and success stories and recipes to follow on minis - it can keep you entertained all day lol. Dont ever be stuck just give a shout and someone will always help you. I couldnt get by now without minis there are some fab people on here and without them I would have given up a long time ago.

Good Luck for the week ahead hun and stay positive.

My diary link is at the bottom of my signature if you wanna take a peek. I find writing everything down keeps me focused x
the power of the pen i keep a food diary .... i didnt keep one for a few months and well i stopped losing weight xxx
I kept one when i started SW then thought ah im losing i dont need to now - bad idea lol.

Hence I now keep one on minis and im back on track
Thankyou everyone! My consultant couldn't see anything wrong with my diary apart from I may not use enough syns. I had noticed though that I was having the same meals quite a lot so I have had my magazines out and searched the net and found some new recipes. I've realised that because I don't plan ahead that it gets to meal time and I'm starving before I even decide what I'm going to cook! So I have done a big online food shop and am going to do some planning and some cooking. I'm considering going swimming again as the pool is next door to my flat, think that would help.
Its a good idea to plan hun - if you get time you could do a batch cook on a weekend and freeze stuff then you always have something SW friendly when you get home from work, even if it means taking it out of the freezer on a morning.
EEeek! I normally use my syns daily but yesterday all I had was half a stick of gum and a coffee made with 1% milk so have no idea how to syn this. I've written down 2 1/2 but think it's even less than that. So does that mean I could have a few more syns today without feeling guilty?
I have no advice on the syns as I'm a newbie to SW, but I just wanted to say keep at it, it sounds like you are doing brilliantly! You have had a great loss, and just think of how crap you would have felt had you had the fish and chips or gone mad in the sweetshop. You are doing it, eating well and losing weight! Keep it going! Our bodies dont always do what we want, we just have to keep giving it the right fuel and eventually it will all pay off.

Keep up the good work!!
I would say stick to your 15 syns today dont go over "just because" you didnt have enough yesterday. Try putting your food on here for a while and see if it helps you. x
You seem to be really well which I cant admit two - when on self destruct made over weekend and ended up with a 3lb gain which peed me off as I was only 1lb away from my stone prior lol. Am back on track now thanks to you lot here :D