Vegetarian UD wobbles!


Silver Member
I am on my second week of ADF and trying not to weigh for a month so that my body has plenty of time to adapt to the plan and I should have a proper result of some sort (even 4lbs would be ok!)

However.... I am on an UD today and just tucking into my brown toast for brekkie - yum! And I keep having these nagging thoughts... 'can I really eat that toast and lose weight? Is my next meal really ok? Etc etc...

I love this plan and really, really want it to work, I suppose it just seems amazingly fabulous and a little too good to be true, but then I remember how little I had yesterday and that I am not gorging but actually missing 2 days worth of cals per week (can you see how I am talking myself round here? Lol)

Has anyone else felt like this on the plan?
Whoops, not sure how I became veggie on this thread ;)
Lol @ veggie!

We have ALL had these thoughts. It goes against everything we have ever been told, and not sure of your previous diet story, but for those moving from vlcd (and didn't work) having 600cals everyday it can be really frightening to go to 2000!!

But it does work, and it's not even really about the 2 days short of cals it's regarding the hormone thing it kick starts

15 lost : 52 to goal
Thanks fizzyfluff. My diet history is nearly every diet on this forum lol ;) last one was Dukan, so low carb high protein which makes me nervous around bread and I do wonder if I shouldn't have too much, but trying not to get neurotic about it.

Thanks for the post, good to know I am not the only one having these thoughts :)
Trust me you are not the only one. I've just come over from years of low carbing (Atkins/Harcombe) and have the same fears as you but I'm eating toast, baguettes, fish 'n chips without any problem! It's a great way of eating so embrace it - I have!

All the best.
Thanks TryingMarie, I was on harcombe too, was going to try it again before doing this ;)

As I am working today, i've been trying to grab things quickly and all the things around that are quick are carby!

I'm pushing through and have notched up a ridiculous 1023 cals since this morning!! Eeeek

That includes a 'little' pizza I stuck in for lunch.... Oh dear ;)
Sounds like you're doing great! It is scarey at first, and I did actually try to combine both JUDDD and Atkins to start with (some people do) but then I thought 'no' I'm tired of low carbing ,I really need a change, so I started introducing carbs again without any problems whatsoever! My weight loss is pretty slow at the moment, but I think that's because I need to watch the calories on my UP days as I reckon I've been going way over - too much freedom for me! Lots of luck couteaux and enjoy those carbs! :D
Hi :)

I feel like that on UDs too! I guess it will take a bit of getting used to. Toast for breakfast indeed.... how naughty! ;) I had half a grapefruit after mine this morning, just to make me feel a bit better :) x