undecided: what have you tried and what did you think?


I'm nosing round at other diets cos I'm growing alarmingly at the moment and not allowed to return to SS like LT or CD for at least another month. Wondering what other diets others have tried? What did you think and how did you get on? A good collection of info here could help others decide what to try too.

I may be hoping for a miracle.... but using the fitbug diet-bit I'm sticking to the calories they say and growing!!! So I need something different. Tried SW in January and it frustrated me that my fav breads weren't allowed... even granary and multi-seed which I always thought as of healthy? I do need something that will work out for me how I'm doing... but with plenty of choice. I hate the sort that tells you what to eat when! I find it helpful if I can input and save my recipes too as I love cooking. I also love fruit now... since doing LT and CD last year changed my tastebuds. I think GI restricts fruit but I'm not sure? Also we do enjoy eating out once a week. Hmmmm.... Sorry to make it so complicated... it does look like I want miracles doesn't it? If there was something that fitted the bill that I could stick to for life.......?

p.s. I hope it's ok that I posted this in 2 places? I want to catch as many people and get as many opinions as possible. Thanks.
Hey hun - I know that SW 'says' you're not supposed to have granary or multi grain bread but i always ate it instead of just plain wholemeal and it didn't stop me from losing. The last time i did it i had several servings of multi grain throughout the week and still lost 7lbs! I think ifyou want to eat out once a week and not be restricted to as to when you can and can't eat then SW may be a good choice. I don't feel as if i'm being restricted at all on this diet - i'm just making healhtier choices. And also as i'm not calorie counting i can loads of the free foods if i'm hungry without worrying that i've blown my calorie intake.
I'd recommend Rosemary Conley if it's in your area. It's the only mainstream diet plan that worked for me and I loved the option of having an exercise class thrown in (lots of fun).

The diet itself is low fat, low GI based but doesn't have any 'catch-words' that just frustrate me. For me personally, simplicity is the key. I just couldn't get along with leaving through pages searching for what the hell a 'syn free' food was or the point value of something. Just my personal opinion of course - for some, it works brilliantly. At the end of the day, losing weight is such an individual thing, what works for one won't for another so it's just a matter of researching the different plans to see which one might suit your personality best.
I find the cal counting best of all. I can fiddle with the allowance to make up for nights out etc.. and there is science behind it! I visited a cal working out site. Found what I need to maintain and then worked out a plan to ensure i eat 7000 cals a week less than I need, which should equal a regular 2lb a week drop. i'm only 5 days in and have already dropped 4 lbs since the weekend, so like all diets I guess the first week or two will show bigger losses.

If you have an organised mind, good digital scales, calorie counting books and plenty of determination then you can do i and it's FREE!!!!!

Good luck with whatever you decide to try.
Is this a blip? Or was the original post really posted in May last year as per the timestamp?