Attack Update on the American Cheesecake recipe


Full Member
So, they got back to me... see my email and their response below. I take back everything I said about the coaching site (or most of it anyhow... I still find the automated 'motivational' messages annoying!)

Let's get baking :D :D :D

Is the below recipe correct? Are the proportions correct? Is the portion size right and in the phases it suggests? 400g of XL cream cheese seems like a LOT in one serving?

Perhaps you might let me know asap (it looks delicious!)


American Cheese Cake

Preparation Time: 10 minutes, Cooking Time: 50 minutes, Cooling time: 4 hrs. Serves 2. Phase PP Attack.

800g Philadelphia Extra Light Cream Cheese-at room temperature for about 2 hrs before using
75g Fat Free Natural Yogurt
2 eggs
3 tbsp. Splenda
1 tsp. Vanilla Essence
Preheat the oven to 190 C / Gas 5. Whip together the cream cheese and yogurt until it is smooth. Slowly add the eggs, Vanilla & Splenda. The mixture should have a light yet smooth texture. Pour into a spring form cake tin placed on a baking tray.
Bake for 5 minutes then reduce the oven temperature to 110 C/ Gas ¼ and bake for a further 45 minutes. Let it cool in the oven with the door ajar then refrigerate for 4 hrs before serving chilled

Message subject: RE: DN - Recipies Posted by: Rdk on the: 23/08/2010 12:14
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  • Answer: The proportions are correct don't worry! I know it can seem quite a lot but (I thought the same at first) but at the end you will see that it will be very nice! Please let me know if you need any other help.
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mmm sorry still not convinced. can someone log onto the dukan site and ask how much xl phil you can have in one day please on cruise?
This has got to be a deffo no no on attack?
I'd say so... crazy crazy!!

The thing is that some people might get away with it - depending on what else they've eaten that day, say... others, perhaps more heavily dairy loaded menus might push them over... or more ham etc.

While people are losing, fine! but I think some of the ok items are pushing it!