Valentine's Day Challenge!


Guess who's back...?
:heartpump::heartpump:VALENTINE'S DAY CHALLENGE!:heartpump::heartpump:

I quite liked having a 'challenge to work to... so here's a new one...​

I know Valentines is a long way off... but we'll start on New Year's day so it is about 6 weeks... and a perfect first challenge for the newbies joining in January!​

Just pop your name down, followed by how much you want to lose between 1st Jan - 14th Feb 09, and then each week you tot up how much you have lost so far following the weigh ins....​

I will go first... copy and paste this line and add your own!​


Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Ooh I'll get in on this one Anna (as I now have someone with whom to spend V.D. with next year :D )

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Ooooh Anna, I like!

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far :heartpump: I now have someone with whom to spend V.D. with next year :D

WHAT?? And why is this not in the Dating thread?? Tell all!! So exciting! Get your ass over there IMMEDIATELY Peter!! :p

(PS... Perhaps Valentine's Day should be shortened to V's Day... not V.D. - that would be pretty unfortunate!! Hehe!)

Spill the beans Pete

Did you sort out the quandry you were in or is this someone new?

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far

StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far:heartpump:
Good luck everyone. Won't be joining this one, as Val day is my least favourite day of the year, especially after this year (don't ask). But will be willing you all on :)
These challenges are what keep me on track lol xXx

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far

StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far

Woo! I can actually join in this challenge!

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far

EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
oooooo count me in on this one, maybe i'll even manage a date for valentines seeing as im single again

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far

Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far

EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Ok, starting foundation on 6th Jan, so something to aim for:

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far

Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far

EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Somewhere...- 28lbs - lost 0lbs so far

Now all I need is a date...:8855::8855::8855:
Anna said:
WHAT?? And why is this not in the Dating thread?? Tell all!! So exciting! Get your ass over there IMMEDIATELY Peter!!

Whoa, you know she means business when she calls me "Peter" instead of "Pete"! I shall move my ass post-haste :p

Did you sort out the quandry you were in or is this someone new?
Sorted the quandry (actually it kinda sorted itself :p ) now with someone new (who I've also known for years so not "new" new lol!)

ahh, life really is better than any soap opera! :D

EDIT: I posted a more in-depth reply on my thread here if you want a gander at it :p
Last edited:
Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Somewhere...- 28lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Preeti77 - 25lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
Excellent challenge!

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Somewhere...- 28lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Preeti77 - 25lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
Louale - 28lbs - Lost olbs so far
Fab love a challenge

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Somewhere...- 28lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Preeti77 - 25lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
Louale - 28lbs - Lost olbs so far
MandyL - 28lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
I start on the 6th Jan so a good challenge to get me going

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Somewhere...- 28lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Preeti77 - 25lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
Louale - 28lbs - Lost olbs so far
MandyL - 28lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
daisydoll - 24lbs - Lost 0lbs so far

My first weigh in of the Valentines Challenge!

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 4.5lbs so far :heartpump:
Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Somewhere...- 28lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Preeti77 - 25lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
Louale - 28lbs - Lost olbs so far
MandyL - 28lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
daisydoll - 24lbs - Lost 0lbs so far

Oooops! Sorry just realised we arn't starting this until the 1st Jan!
I was getting all excitable!!! Sorry folks

Hehe - steady on SS :p... but well done on the 4.5lb loss... was that from over christmas?? Blimey - good going!! You must be thrilled!! xx
Right, I am soooo needing a new challenge as quite frankly, I am slipping up. This "getting back on the wagon" thingy is not easy. Seriously!

Anyhoo, I will add my name to this even though I do not celebrate Valentine's Day. I know it's like the national "I am single" slogan, but I really can't stand Valentine's Day.

Annaphylactic - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far!
Pete1014178 - 30lbs - lost 0lbs so far
StokieSlimmer - 21lbs - lost 4.5lbs so far :heartpump:

Gary girl forever - 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Futureyummymummy - 21lbs - lost 0lbs so far
EmVeg - 21lb - lost 0lb so far
Greentea- 25lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Somewhere...- 28lbs - lost 0lbs so far
Preeti77 - 25lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
Louale - 28lbs - Lost olbs so far
MandyL - 28lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
daisydoll - 24lbs - Lost 0lbs so far
Bekimo - 28lbs - Lost 0lbs so far

B x

PS: someone should so put this in alphabetical order before LS sees it. I would do, but I need to go and get some ice from the freezer to dump over the two boys currently snoring their heads off in my living room while I am trying to catch up on CSI. (Mmmm Warwick - Now him, I'd do Valentine's for!!)