valentines day....


Silver Member
Normally I am the one who says, lets do something for valentines day and goes ahead and organises it, this year I have decided to leave it and see if hubby sorts anything out, not holding my breath but hoping to get a nice surprise lol.

He works in sainsbury so he will know thats it coming up cos there'll be cards and banners and displays and stuff.....
If he's anything like my OH you need to spell it out in Alphabites on his plate, write it in big red letters across his forehead and yell "Its your turn to organise things" every ten minutes between now and then,and even then you'll be lucky to get a card, if you want to avoid spending the day sulking while he just looks confused and says "well you normally sort that out so I assumed you weren't bothering this year." :D

Good luck!
MadameLaMinx said:
If he's anything like my OH you need to spell it out in Alphabites on his plate, write it in big red letters across his forehead and yell "Its your turn to organise things" every ten minutes between now and then,and even then you'll be lucky to get a card, if you want to avoid spending the day sulking while he just looks confused and says "well you normally sort that out so I assumed you weren't bothering this year." :D

Good luck!

This sounds familiar :)
You're a very brave woman lol
we will be travelling on valentines evening, 4 hours down the motorway with 3 kids in the back of the car.....its gonna be soooooooooo romantic i can just see it now haha ......:)
Oh dear, I do feel sorry for your husband. He is supposed to guess that you aren't going to do what you always do, guess that he is supposed to do it instead, and guess what might be acceptable.

Maybe he is saying to himself - "she always organises this, I had better not interfere in case I get it wrong".

Here's a revolutionary thought - as it is supposed to be a romantic occasion, why not sit down and organise it together, as a couple, rather than turn it into a test he is bound to fail?
Awwww I don't even think I'll be celebrating it this year, the only difference is that I will actually have an amazing bf for it but I can't celebrate it xxx

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We're doing valentines on the cheap this year oweing to the car trouble and the fact that we now owe his dad £1000. I've told him we WILL be having a romantic meal as usual, but this year it'll be in our house, cooked by me, and followed by a dvd either bought very cheap or rented from the library for £1.50.

I've already planned the meal. steak and chips. "chips" lol.
I'm actually in a way looking forward to not having to do anything this year, as it was always me who had to make sure we did something. If it had have been left to my ex it would have been just a normal day.

We both used to agree not to go out to dinner due to the fact prices are always hiked up hugely just for that one day, so we used to cook a nice meal at home... although when I say "we", read "me"! And it was always me who spent a lot on the nice food and even nicer wine.

Also, my ex's idea of buying a gift was to go onto my Amazon wish list and just pick something off there, no thought into it whatsoever, whereas I used to always get him something he hadn't even mentioned, etc, put a lot of thought into it and would be planning what to get him since before Xmas.

So I guess, all in all, I won't miss anything really! Will probably treat myself to a really nice bottle of wine and curl up with a good dvd or a book. Oooh, I lead just an exciting life eh?! ;)
We have never really celebrated valentines day - we went out about 8 years ago & were both so disgusted with how much it cost, compared to normal that I have point blank refused to go out since. I would never consider buying for my OH, or expect to receive a present from my OH on valentines day either.
AnnaFaraday said:
Oh dear, I do feel sorry for your husband. He is supposed to guess that you aren't going to do what you always do, guess that he is supposed to do it instead, and guess what might be acceptable.

Maybe he is saying to himself - "she always organises this, I had better not interfere in case I get it wrong".

Here's a revolutionary thought - as it is supposed to be a romantic occasion, why not sit down and organise it together, as a couple, rather than turn it into a test he is bound to fail?

I think that we women need to remember that men are not mind readers. I think its a programming thing, we are programmed, conditioned, whatever, to care, empathise, be understanding, and we sense things on a whole different level than men seem to. But then we expect men to be able to do the same. They can't. It's not how they work, which is precisely why they say they can't work women out. Thats not to say that men aren't caring or understanding, far from it, but they are far better at it when they know what it is they are supposed to be understanding and caring about.

I think a billion arguments could be happily avoided if we remembered this and were more up front with one another.

And yes I know that this is a bit of a sweeping generalization and everyone is different. But all relationships would benefit from openness and honesty.
My OH is very good at V-day so I can't complain. Every year he tells me we aren't doing anything, just have a meal in etc etc then surprises me on the day with fab pressies and a meal somewhere posh :) Last year he whisked me to a cottage in Wales for the weekend totally out of the blue, he has even been known to turn up with at work WITH a new outfit for me to wear- absolutely fabulous.

And do you know why he does all this? Because he expects a traditional March 14th. If you don't know what a traditional March 14th comprises of have a look here (Not safe for work or children :eek:).
To be fair to Mr. Von Savage he probably gets more excited about the steak than the other bit.
How funny!!!

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not trying to catch him out or test him at all, just interested in seeing if he does think of anything, no biggy if he does or doesn't really x
as for gifts, hubby and I make cards for one another and gifts tend to be silly, cheap and generally home made. our wedding anniversary is only the end of april.