Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

ooh i love wii step ooh and the kung fu ;)
Kung fu is fab!! I like the one with the candle where you have to sit really still on the board.... oh & the band thingymajiggy
I havent got them so boring step it is for me but then i get carried away and can do longer. Its the motivation to turn the bloody thing on though
oh i love the marching band. im rubbish. its funny when your wiimii join the band. i have ronan keating as one of mine and matty who looks like hitler ;) lmao

I know cheryl its turning the bloomin thing on, plus its actually stuck under a table at the mo and needs a bit of a good clean one of the pups pooped on my wii and its all in the edges...need matty and a toothpick ! yak!
oh love fishies :D (on my plate ;) only joking)

morning peeps. disappointing wi this morning. but that was my own fault from pizza. still motivated though which is good.
Going to plan my exercise for next week so can get 30 mins at least in 4 times a week.
cannot believe how motivated i am to lose this weight and get toned. and im love love loving the food too. have ordered the new atkins book so can have a read up .
on a bad note ive got a really bad back this morning and headache (5 dogs in the bed and getting woken at ten past seven with waggy puppy tails and getting my nose bitten!)
MorningVicky that last 1lb will soon disapper and then it's onwards and downwards! It'sweird isn't it how sometimes you can be really motivated and the weight just goes keep going it won'ttakelong!
Laughed at your alarm call I got a peppa pig torch shone in my face at 6.15!
lmao! the peppa pig torch is soooo funny! spacebarnotmendedyet?

b - pork cheese and onion sossies and scrambly egg made with little double cream
L - king prawn salad with mayo
D - the pie and kale
ex - supermarket sweep
w - lots
a - maybe v+c, maybe not.
lol atit ;)

I dont know Kim im worried actually...just hope she busy at work and nothing else x
:) (what do I see about pizza? my Dukan whip can reach this far, you know...!)

How disappointing was your weigh in?

Thanks for caring Vicks!
Thanks for caring Vicks!
aww always!

yes i had one on sat night lol.not this weekend!!! I was ok actually thought id put on more so losing 4 lbs after the weekend was ok. ill smash down a couple of lbs next week ;)