Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Agree that reviews are often biased to the worst - depends on the site. Have a great weekend whatever:D
Hiya Vicky - looking forward to hearing about your weekend:D
Evening vicky;). There is talk of biscuit tins?! :D
Morning all :) voice half back now but stinky cough BOO.
weekend was fab, hotel was dated but ok to stay in , central and near the pubs what more do you want. Food i was well behaved all weekend, way too much to drink but only red wine or vodka and diet coke - still managed to gain 5lbs :( 3 of them gone now though but sick of these weekend gains. Luckily a weekend at home this weekend :D
B - egg mayo and frik
L - chicken salad with tzatziki
D - m and s chicken indian thing and veggies
s - peannuts maybe
ex - washing my hair and painting my nails
a - nope
w-yes lots
will catch up properly when im at work leaving now xxx
Morning Vicky, what you doing going to work when you are poorly???
I too am sick of the weekend gains, putting it down to the booze mainly and have now started to read the no-tomato book in earnest.
Hope you feel better soon xxxxxxx
Ah i dont feel too bad Bren just husky sexy voice ;)
Yes its alcohol. Im not doing anything this weekend so hoping wont gain but im considering not drinking...but i know that aint gonna happen. LOL.
Just feeling a bit lost on my way at the momenth with dieting. just wish i could eat normally. Everytime i have a carb out (wish i would quite possibly do on another diet) i get awful dermatitis on my hands and other nasties.
I dont want chips or bread all the time, dont get me wrong, but once in a while would be nice. Am feeling fat and wobbly and horrid TBH. scales pee me off every morning just in a diet downer (officially known as DD) at the moment.
Morning lovely, agree with bren - why are you at work??!

Me three re alcohol and weekend gains, I put on 4 lbs in a week! I haven't adjusted my stats because I read the Harcombe Diet book and really like the sound of it so am going to start on that next Monday.
are you really? ive decided im not spending another penny on diet books.
im contemplating dukan attack for a week...........................sush Jo before you shout LOL.
If i dont get some movement this week im well... i dunno what im going to do xxxxx

anyway shall i ring solicitors or should i just be patient??? bearing in mind they will charge me.
Had your postman been before you left for work this morning? If not maybe you should be patient. Can't believe they've got the cheek to charge when they're not telling you what's going on!
I know, that is why I am back on Exante as it is the only thing that is guaranteed to work for me, will try harcombe at some point as it does look like it would be good for you, and if it does help your metabolism to recover that can only be a good thing after a VLCD.

As for solicitors, they never rush these things, maybe give them till Friday and ring them if you have not heard anything?

no postman doesn come till later on....... ok ill be patient and tbh when it does come through the no drinking on a school night will be out of the window for all of us cos i expect you all to have a drink with me :D
friday bren???? friday!!!!!