Wafer bars


MM addict
Hi Just wondering if any of you have tried the wafer bars? Do you like them and do you have them instead of the bars?
I was thinking of ordering a couple (i noticed you can't order them as samples?) it says don't eat all at once one at a time different times of the day.
I'm just curious to know what they're like!
I was sent the chocolate wafer bars as a free sample and they are gorgeous! They are very moreish and come in a pack of 2 but I understand you should only eat one per meal.
Omg i tried my first one today and it was AMAZING !! So tasty lol. Wish they werent so exensive tho, I wonder if there is a cheaper alternative around? :confused:
I wish you could have them as part of the bumper pack, maybe they're good for a weekend treat. I know that's when I struggle the most!
They are quite nice but a bit sweet for me so I only had them the once. They have more calories than the other packs so S&S advise that women either have 1.5 per day or have 2 split up during the day. They are not full MRP though so that, and the fact that there are more calories (and there's no way I can leave 1 in a packet and just have the 1!), means that I don't have them personally.
no wait scrap that, I just noticed that when they say 10 pack they mean 5 packs of two lol , so it's not that much cheaper really once you take delivery in to account. :rolleyes:

I love the wafers but they don't last long- I did have one pack of two as a meal one day, all well and good but the next day I just had the other pack on top of my 4 packs! Stupid but I know they are in the house, they aren't MRP so I just ate them! So I won't be ordering them again!
It's funny, cos I know they aren't 'official' packs yet they are from S&S my head says they are fair game, just eat them no fuss. If I had a mars bar in here I wouldn't, or crisps or whatever. But cos they are from S&S? I don't know, I just know I need not to have them in the house! Shame cos they are lovely, both flavours!
well at least they are high protein and low carb so it wouldnt wreck your ketosis, but that alone is dangerous enough.

The price of them is enough to stop me munching too many though I think ? :eek:
I love the wafers and I have one on Mondays after WI :)
It's been part of my goal to train myself to say "no" and "later" and so far, I've managed to ignore the call of that remaining wafer in the open pack calling "eat me, eat me, eat me"...looool
Well done Maka, that wafer would call to me till I ate it down so maybe I'll get some in when I've been doing this longer! To practice saying no!
I'm still not at the point where I can ignore a calling wafer or open packet of chocolate. I found that out over Xmas when on my break I demolished a whole tin of Quality Street within about 3 days :eek: (and my OH had hardly any so I can't blame him!).

That is so going to be a work in progress when I'm maintaining!
I only ordered the strawberry ones once ! They were so nice ate them both in the same day!!! (did use as a meal though lol) Not ordered them since i don't trust myself!!! x
I'm still not at the point where I can ignore a calling wafer or open packet of chocolate. I found that out over Xmas when on my break I demolished a whole tin of Quality Street within about 3 days :eek: (and my OH had hardly any so I can't blame him!).

That is so going to be a work in progress when I'm maintaining!

I have stuffed up (and stuffed myself for most of my life) so I have so many habits and behaviours to change.

You've said it before BG: maintenance is the hard part because S&S is pretty simple really. I do think that if I waited till maintenance, I'd be more overwhelmed with too much to undo. So I'm gradually undoing some of the damage as best I can. Like I eat off a smaller plate now. Everything I cook doesn't have to start with a cup of oil. I thought I couldn't stomach vegetables unless stir-fried and yet slightly steamed broccoli(with some crunch in it) has become a hot favourite for me.

I chuckled about your Christmas indulgence :). It's so weird cos I could demolish a whole box of Heroes, quality street etc. Chocolate was a huge weakness for me but that was the only sweet thing I liked. I don't like biscuits unless coated in choc - I am a crisps and savouries girl.

But on this diet, that truffa bar seems to sort out my choc needs and I've been having the wafer as an alternative to the bar...and it's worked fine so far.

But don't wave garlic bread and samoosas at me...my freezer doesn't have any of that right now because they do call and I know I'd answer and regret it big time.
THAT is what I now need to get my head round in time for maintenance: how to fit in the foods that I enjoy without regaining the lost weight. Maybe Atkins all week and allow myself the garlic bread and samoosas at weekends???

Oooops, I've gone on for too long :D
Well done Maka, that wafer would call to me till I ate it down so maybe I'll get some in when I've been doing this longer! To practice saying no!

Worth a try later on for sure. I only started having them around week 14 or so. But I hadn't read the guidance on them when I first ordered the wafers and ate two at once and I think I did knock myself out of ketosis x
So, I'm a little confused. Some people are saying these aren't full TRF which I have read on S&S website. However I have 3 packs a day plus protein and a multi-vitamin so really having a packet of wafers a day (at different times of the day) is fine!

I have copied and pasted what it says on S&S

These delicious wafers are high in protein and taste far too nice to be part of a High Protein Diet!
Please note these wafers are not full TFR as they do not contain enough essential Vitamins and Minerals, so you should only include these in your VLCD if you are taking a multi-vitamin.
If using in VLCD as per above it is important to note you may not have a wafer + a bar on the same day.

1 Pack is 2 Wafers which is 195 Calories (total). Eat each wafer at seperate times in the day to keep sugar levels lower!
Laurie - As long as you count the wafers as one of your packs a day, split the two wafers to have em at different times of the day and don't have a bar on the same day you're fine.