waiting for ketosis!?!


hi everyone,

I started my first attempt at the Cambridge diet yesterday in preparation for my wedding! Hoooorah! So day one went better then expected, was very hungry but resisted on a supermarket trip to give in!

I an waiting for ketosis to kick in, I'm currently 11stone 11 pounds hoping to get down to 9st to look my best! How has everyone found it so far? have seen loads of sucess stories wish mine would just hurry up lol
Hi Devily, my ketosis normally kicks in between 2-3 days, just try and fill yourself up with water, are you on SS? I'm on day 4 today and I am freezing cold! Even went out to sit in the car because it has heated seats! But feel so different to yesterday I had a pack at 08:30 and at 15:15 i thought I'd best have lunch but wasnt hungry.

When is the big day?
Phew was getting worried!...yeah have been having tonnes of water, got this waterlogging app on my iphone which records amount of fluid I have taken which is useful!...i started feeling the cold yesterday, but i generally get very cold anyways lol
I am on SS with 200ml of milk, not too bad so far. cant wait to feel not hungry everything is so tempting at the moment.

My wedding day is 4th may 2013, but have a big engagement cermeony/party on 21st July this year so need to be looking perfect!

what about you? how much are you hoping to loose?
