Warning *Food* mentioned


She's me in a few months
Dreamt last night I was eating chocolate cake :eek: I used to dream I was smoking after I'd stopped, now I'm dreaming about eating!!! What is wrong with me??!!!!
Its so weird how many people have those dreams!
Food is obviously playing a big part in out subconscious on this diet!
Last night i dreamt that i ate an oreo and i was so upset that i had cheated that i just stuffed my face full off the whole box of oreos... so glad im not the only one dreaming of food ha ha
I dreamt that I had eaten a donut. It seemed so real that I had to call my husband at work to check how many he had eaten so i could account for the whole packet!!!
last night I dreamt I ate a massive pizza, cookies and lots of ice cream, and I think I was then searching for more food....
Was so relieved when I woke up!
I often dream about raiding the biscuit jar! Isn't it sad that food has this much control over us! We are all trying to tackle the demons through the day so they sneak in while we sleep!
We will win! Haha xxrm
i keep dreaming about doughnuts too :-/
Thankfully I've only had one dream about food in my 17 days on the CWP. It was a Thor of a bacon and egg sandwich. Was yummy but I felt so incredibly guilty I only managed a third of it! Thank god it was just a dream though!!
ha this always happens to me! the first few times it did i woke up with the absolute fear that i was sleep eating and had ruined my diet lol!
I dreamt that I went to M&S and bought a load of stuff including some lovely puddings, took it home and ate it.

I woke up this morning thinking, 'oh, I'll weigh myself, I've been 100%', and then thought, what about all those puddings? Then I remembered they weren't real!
Hahah ive done this! Ita quite embarrassing isn't it! Especially when you tell other people!
I dreamt I ate a twirl and keep thinking throughout the whole day "aw why did I do that!" Haha