Was 100 day diet now sensible eating.

Had a lovely weekend and yes I did overeat and drank lots of wine, but now I am back on the straight and narrow and having shakes. Yesterday was ok but I did have a chocolate biscuit in the evening. Getting weighed this morning. I don't expect to have lost any weight but hopefully I have not put any more weight. 93 days to go.
Hi Kathleen,
glad to see you back, and glad you had a good weekend. Fingers crossed for the weigh in, hope all goes well. You need to keep the goal in sight now and all will be well. Best of luck.
Oh dear, went into town today to get weighed only to discover that the scales were broken ( not guilty ) so I had to walk to another chemist only to find their scales broken as well. After walking for 45 mins I finally found a chemist with scales that worked. Got a big disappointment as I have put on 2 lbs I really was hoping to stay the same. Never mind I am sure I will have a great weight loss next week after behaving myself for 7 days. 92 days to go.
Behaved myself today, had a shake for breakfast then half sachet of soup and a sero bar for lunch in the evening I had some cheese, (I had some crackers which I know I should not have eaten.) Still struggling to drink lots of water.
Behaved myself today, had a shake for breakfast then half sachet of soup and a sero bar for lunch in the evening I had some cheese, (I had some crackers which I know I should not have eaten.) Still struggling to drink lots of water.

Kathleen, this doesn't sound like enough to keep a body going! Please don't get caught in the trap of starving one day, then being so hungry you overeat the next day, and feel awful at yourself all the time. That's just a recipe for lifelong hungry torture!

You're doing fab, but it doesn't have to be about punishment. You can make it easier on yourself just going with the three healthy balanced meals a day approach. It's not a race after all, is it? And the weight will actually come off quicker if you feed yourself adequately. Got to eat to lose in a sustainable way.

Please be kind to yourself. I hate seeing people suffer. Hope today was a good day!
Avid Lite

I am new to the forum and have lost just over 2st on the Cambridge Diet but am on the 4 shakes a day and paying 55 pounds a week. Avidlite may be an alternative cheaper option and have ordered a sample set of bars and shakes and over the past week have integrated them in the CD i.e. swapping a CD shake with Avidlite and I am still loosing the same amount which suggests they are the same. Not many people have mentioned them on this nor other other blogs. Has anyone used them as a full meal replacement like Lighter Life/ Cambridge diet and have seen the same results. I am loathe to spend all the money if there is a cheaper alternative?:D
After a lot of thinking I have decided to stop trying to loose weight by having shakes, soups, bars etc as every morning I was full of good intentions but I just could not last a day without something passing my lips that was not ment to be eaten. I really admire all you out there that are coping with meal replacement diets but after struggling for weeks it is not for me I had hoped that I could have got a good weight loss using meal replacements and that would have given me the motivation to carry on eating a weight loss diet but alas it was not to be. Now I am just going to try and eat a healthy diet and cut out the cakes and biscuits and limit my intake of bread. Lets hope I am more successful trying to loose weight this time.
So far today:
Breakfast: Cereal + semi-skimmed milk
Mid day: Ryvita x 3 with philly cheese tomatoes + low fat yogurt
Mid aft. Banana
Will be having tuna steak and salad +yogurt in the evening and probably two peices of fruit and I am drinking lots of black coffee and flavoured water.
Hi Kathleen,
glad you're back. Seems like you are making positive steps to a healthy lifestyle. I wish you all the best with it and look forward to hearing how you are getting on. Best of luck.
Thanks Doirin you are doing so well on your diet your weekly weight losses are amazing I really envy you. Keep up the good work. Meals of shakes were not for me, I really struggled from day 1. It is early days but I think I will succeed this time, I have enjoyed what I have eaten today I have managed to not eat biscuits. I will weigh myself tomorrow as normal. Not expecting to have lost anything but it will give me a starting weight. Not going to buy any new clothes until I fit into a comfortable 14/16 as I have clothes in my wardrobe that have never even been on. I really wanted to be a reasonable weight for summer but I will have to settle for being at a reasonable weight by xmas so I can slip into a little black dress
Day 2
Weighed myself today and I was the same weight as last week. Happy with that as I have only been eating a sensible diet for 2 days the other 5 days I gorged myself silly. Was quite proud of myself today I was so busy that I had to do my weekly shopping on an empty stomach, normally I would have grabbed something fattening and sat in the car and ate it before driving home, but today I bought pre-cut mango chuncks (large pack ) and a cereal bar, and even waited until I got home before eating them.
Breakfast - cereal
Mid morn - banana
Lunch - nothing
Mid aft. - mango + cereal bar
Evening - poached fish, mixed veg, new potatoes, oat cookie
Mid even.- strawberries
+ lots and lots of black coffee
Day 3

Today was another reasonably good day I will not bore you with what I had to eat, my only downfall was I had 5 jaffa cake biscuits. I know that I should not have eaten them but they were so good. Pre sensible eating I would have managed to eat the whole packet while waiting for the kettle to boil for a cup of coffee. Have not started to exercise yet, I really must motivate myself to get into a routine that includes exercise.
Day 4

Today was not so good today. I was working today and did not get home until about 8pm so it was straight into the kitchen were I found the remainder of the packet of jaffa cakes that I opened yesterday - they are now gone, along with a muffin. Feeling disgusted with myself now as I had been sensible all day but with working late I did not have my evening meal, instead I ate quick comfort foods. Off to bed now in case I find something else to eat. Hope tomorrow is a better day.
Hi Kathleen,
sorry you had a bad day yesterday but today is a new day and you can reverse that damage. You have had 2 good days so look back at them and get in that mode. Some people believe it is very good to write down what they eat and what mood they were in when they did, as a way to see pitfalls. You don't have to do that on here but perhaps get a small notebook and bring it around with you. It helps to see what are he danger times in the day and goes towards helping to address them.
Hope today is better, best of luck.