water intake???


determined to be slim
Hi all, I am returning to lipotrim after a big fall off the wagon that lasted a few months, anyways back to day 4 but was wondering if you can have too much water I'm drinking 4 litres of water and 600ml for my 2 shakes ( I have 2 shakes and a flapjack each day) but I'm still really thirsty. Am I ok to drink more seeing as I'm consuming 4.6litres a day
Welcome back!
As far as I'm aware from the lipotrim info, it states no more than 4 litres a day, however I don't think this includes the water the shakes are mixed with. :)
Its supposed to be 4 liters (not
Including shakes), it says no more no less, the way I see it is that water will pass through, it's not going to make you gain weight unless there's something (like glycogen) to hold it.

If you drink more water you might find that when you get weighed you haven't lost as much, because you have more water in your body, but the week later you may then lose more because the water isn't there.

I guess what I'm saying is it may temporarily affect your stats so if you won't get disheartened by that you'll be ok!

Someone tell me if I'm wrong?

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
The min is 2 litres hun. Well I know it is for the women. I put my water intake on a app on my phone so I don't lose track on how much I drink. Remember though the water you put in tea or coffee does not count. I hate drinking water though that's why I record it. I'm told I'll love it one day but that's yet to come.
" In addiction to the water used to mix your diet, you must drink at least four pints of water each day - drink more if possible. See your carrier bag for information on how to make up the Lipotrim formula and for the list of permitted drinks. The foods we normally eat are made up of large amount of water. You will not be getting an adequate amount of water unless you purposefully drink it. It is advisable to drink a glass of water before and after each Lipotrim serving. Drinking should be frequent throughout the day, not all at once."

The official line from Lipotrim is four pints/2.5 litres plus the water you use to mix your diet.
it is dangerous to drink excess water as you can make yourself very ill (there was a woman yrs ago died doing a vlc diet because she drank too much water) so follow the guidelines no more than 4ltrs plus your shakes x if you are still feeling thirsty maybe you should have a word with your pharmacist or gp??
Remember though the water you put in tea or coffee does not count
it does if it's decaf though :)
Hi all,
Im a little bit worried now after reading this -a woman died!? :( that's terrible!
I drink water all day, i always have really so it's just a habit now. In work i use a 750ml bottle and don't really keep track but id say in all Im definitely drinking a bit more than 4liters a day. Should i worry/cut down? Im not drinking ten liters a day or anything but definitely a bit more than recommended :/ anyone know the reason not to drink too much?
I went to the hospital at stupid o clock in the mornin the other week coz I had a headache in bed that wouldn't go and when I thought 'oh I'll have a drink of water' I added up what I'd had throughout the day and realised I'd drank bout 6 litres (and then the water on top which gets mixed with the shakes) I rang NHS direct and they told me to go A&E immediately. I was convinced the headache was my brain swelling or something! The doctor told me its dangerous to drink more than 4 litres a day especially when ur having very few calories. I got sent home luckily with nothing wrong after getting tests done, I keep an eye on every glass now though! They've told me to get a diabetes check also coz I told them I am always hungry!x
Oh my god this is so scary!! Thanks for those links :(
I'll really have to cut back and make sure Im not drinking too much, I've tried to cut back when on LT before but found sipping throughout the day (resulting in maybe drinking 5 liters throughout the day) made me feet a lot better. This is really scary stuff!
Oh Sarah that's terrifying :O
Well that's me told! Glad you were ok!