Weapons of mass reduction

Hi everyone, good to see you all back!

PP - can I please go for 10lbs? I have WI tonight, and expecting the worst, so I might revise that tonight, depending how I go!

Right, here's to a fab 2013, I am going to reach target this year, how cool :cool:
Will do lottie. :D

6lbs off for me pp x
well done Emma. :D What a start.

Shenzi, thats fab.

Please can you put me down for 10lbs for this challenge PP xxx
Will do Lucia. :D

10lbs for me pp. Monday is my start date and Tuesday my rejoin x
Sure thing Jo. :D

Phew, STS for me, very happy with that! :)
Well done. :D
I'm sure you'll be fine and if not then you're in the right place to get it sorted. :D

Happy New Year to you too. :D

See below :D

Welcome back Lily and Happy New Year.

Most folks seem to be up and running already so I will make any time from Sunday 30th to Saturday 5th Week 1 and close on the week of valentines on the 16th (Sat)

I'll leave the folks from last time live on the firstpage for a bit yet. :D

Thanks Patsy Happy New Year to you too xxx:hug99:xxx

6lbs off for me pp x

:wow: amazing Emma well done hun :winner: xxx:hug99:xxx

I'm also back to sw from ww lucia somehow sw is just more for me :) x

Of course welcome back lily x

Thank you Jo xxx:hug99:xxx

Phew, STS for me, very happy with that! :)

Well done hun xxx:hug99:xxx
Just back from my weigh in. 5lbs off for me!
Hello everyone, 3lbs gain for me this week...I am happy with that, that's a total of 4lbs over the 2 weeks for Christmas and New Year and when I say I had everything I want I mean everything...so now that's all behind me it's back to reality and to losing weight so my next wi is Tuesday, back to our normal wi day and I am hoping for a couple of those lbs to be gone by then .

Have a good evening all xxx:hug99:xxx
Just back from my weigh in. 5lbs off for me!
Fab loss Lucia well done. :D

Hello everyone, 3lbs gain for me this week...I am happy with that, that's a total of 4lbs over the 2 weeks for Christmas and New Year and when I say I had everything I want I mean everything...so now that's all behind me it's back to reality and to losing weight so my next wi is Tuesday, back to our normal wi day and I am hoping for a couple of those lbs to be gone by then .

Have a good evening all xxx:hug99:xxx
Not too bad all told hun. Now what to do with this result for the first page I've logged the losses although effectively this week till Sat is 1st WI time. Let me know how you you want to log it as just diff start wt or as a gain??
Fab loss Lucia well done. :D

Not too bad all told hun. Now what to do with this result for the first page I've logged the losses although effectively this week till Sat is 1st WI time. Let me know how you you want to log it as just diff start wt or as a gain??

I'm not fussed hun, so whatever makes it easier for you is fine by me xx
Jeans go on but are snug. Half a stone for me please starting Monday.

Just back from my weigh in. 5lbs off for me!

Well done Lucia x

Hello everyone, 3lbs gain for me this week...I am happy with that, that's a total of 4lbs over the 2 weeks for Christmas and New Year and when I say I had everything I want I mean everything...so now that's all behind me it's back to reality and to losing weight so my next wi is Tuesday, back to our normal wi day and I am hoping for a couple of those lbs to be gone by then .

Have a good evening all xxx:hug99:xxx

Not too bad at all lily x

Jeans go on but are snug. Half a stone for me please starting Monday.


You will be kath :) x

Lost 3lbs very happy considering ive only been back on track 3 days :)

Woo hoo! X
Not sure if there is enough space for me still, but I'm hoping to lose 12.5lb in the next 6 weeks before valentines day (day after my birthday, and a few weeks before I go on holiday to India!)

Great losses so far everyone :)
I'm not fussed hun, so whatever makes it easier for you is fine by me xx
I'll leave it as 0 then so as not to start on a downer. :D

Jeans go on but are snug. Half a stone for me please starting Monday.

Yes you will Kath, love the attitude. :D

Lost 3lbs very happy considering ive only been back on track 3 days :)
Fab loss. Well done. :D

Well done emma. My wi will be wed this week. Think joining group was a good decision! Its keeping me super focused atm :)
Is this your usual day now will I change the front page?

Not sure if there is enough space for me still, but I'm hoping to lose 12.5lb in the next 6 weeks before valentines day (day after my birthday, and a few weeks before I go on holiday to India!)

Great losses so far everyone :)
:welcome2: There will be plenty room for you, I'll add you to the front page in a mo. :D What day do you WI. :D

I STS this week, I deserved a lot worse though, so very happy with that :)

Well done everyone :)
Well done Lottie. :D
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I weigh in on Thursdays unless my shifts change at work...should be thursdays for the next 6 weeks though :)

Everyones done great so far - good luck to everyone tonight