Wedding Weight Loss Diary - I WILL do this!


New Member
Hi all,

I am getting married on June 7th to my bestest friend in the world.
I want to make myself, himself and my whole family proud of me by not only walking down the aisle but walking down the aisle SLIMMER.
I have always had a problem with weight. About 10 years ago, I was in a bad relationship. I had a beautiful daughter out of it but I went from a 16 to a 24 due to pregnancy cravings, very low self esteem, not caring, comfort eating - you name it. I met my future husband at the end of that relationship and things weigh-wise started looking up! I lost 4 stone and got down to a size 14 (perfect for my 5'10" height IMO) and BAM - I got pregnant. Cue the cravings, not caring what I ate cos I was "eating for two" blah blah blah....
5 years later - I'm back at the start again. I am so unbelievably SICK of waking up every day thinking about how fat I am. Looking at EVERYONE and wishing I was that skinny, constantly thinking about weight and how skinny I want to be. I'm so so sick of it.
I joined SW in September and Im only down 7lbs after much loss and gain. This is not where I want to be - I want to be at least 2st lighter at this stage and I'm NOT. I have a lot going on in my life too. I'm a businesswoman about to open my second venture, I've two kids, planning the wedding, starting a course on Saturday - Life is busy but I HAVE to make SW a priority.


I'm going to track every little thing here. I've always been ashamed to say what I weigh. No one in my family or friends knows my weight.

From now on, I am going to write what I bite! I hope I don't bore you and I HOPE I gain some knowledge from you guys. I am a bad cook but I'm willing to learn so I hope you can give me lots of lovely recipies - I mainly eat chicken so that'll give you an idea!

Thanks for reading and I hope I make lots of new friends!! xxx
Good luck. People never used to know what i weighed either. It's only recently where i've not been ashamed to tell people.
I think when I see the lbs shifting a hell of a lot quicker, I'll start telling people my weight and let them see how far I've come. Until then, lips are sealed! :)