week 2 weigh in


230.04 lbs this weeks thats 10lbs off on week 2

I have decided that im going on the maintaince for few weeks or soo for now its just getting to me soo ill stick with this

251.98 lbs 31/12/2015
240.30 lbs 09/01/16 11lbs off
230.04 lbs 16/01/16 10 lbs off
start the maintaince
Hi there,
Brliant weight loss I'm on the maintenance week 1 weigh in 12.2.
Week 2 it's tommorow
Wish me luck, I lost over 2 stones on normal 3 shakes ipotrim.
Hi everyone,

Had my weigh in and lost 2. 1/2 pounds on maintaining lipotrim. Got my chocolate lipotrim bars and trying the soups tomorrow can't wait.