Week one newbie

Ok so I cheated had my first weigh n lost 5pounds still. So I'm having a day off today and started scotch again Tom.

Fingers crossed
Needtolose3 said:
Ok so I cheated had my first weigh n lost 5pounds still. So I'm having a day off today and started scotch again Tom.

Fingers crossed

Ohhh well done :)
but is it a good idea to have a day off? You worked hard to get 5lbs off and I know its just a day but do you want to get into this habit?
Have you joined the May Challenge?? xx
I won't b seeing my counsellor til another ten days n course I've been not so good last three days after today I'm gonna stick to no matter wat
Needtolose3 said:
I won't b seeing my counsellor til another ten days n course I've been not so good last three days after today I'm gonna stick to no matter wat

Ok, good on you! Once your in that mind set there is no stopping you! :)
Good luck hun once you start it gets easier and soon you will be loving the feeling of it xxxx