Week one


Full Member
Hi, I'm new to this but I'm on day three of Lipotrim been feeling a little bit faint today and a bit weak has anyone else had a similar experience?
I'm feeling a bit queasy but it comes and goes! Roll on day 4 :-(
How did you get on today skinnysarah? I felt fine this morning but had a bout of light headedness this afternoon and a bit of nausea this eve! Though I haven't drunk enough water today!

On the bright side I've not really had food cravings and not much hunger feelings! According to my little pee stick I'm in keatosis! Though I don't have the furry tongue or bad breath! (My breath was horrible the first two days!!)
Hey Lucy, today was much much better- dont have the hunger pangs anymore and the queasiness has gone. Think am in ketosis finally!! Hopefully the hardest part is over now! Went to cinema and wasn't even that bothered about oh getting treats. Lol. Glad ur feeling better today too Hun x
I'm definitely going to aim for 3 litres of water a day now and hopefully that will help! Have you had your first weigh in yet? Mines tues! ?
I'm doing 2 litres at the moment but I might up it to 3 if I find that I'm stalling a bit. Had weigh in yesterday- 8lbs down!! Whoo!! Best of luck for yours on Tuesday!! I'm sure ull do great :)
Well done 8lbs is a lot! Have you got much to lose? Xx
Well i got weighed the day before i started but stupidly said i dont want to know the result lol but according to my sclaes at home depending on where i put them it ranges from 15-16st so im going to say I have around 6st to lose and i want to get down to 9.5-10st by the end of july/mid aug as im going to Cuba mid sep!!
that's the plan :) have you been doing any exercise?
To be honest I've felt too weak this week to do anything. I thought that if I pushed too hard it'd make me even hungrier and I might have caved. The last time I did TFR (April-June 2012) I lost 3.5 stone and did a lot of running (did a 10k and a 5k race even which I never thought I would!) so I think this time ill take my running back up as its great to clear the head. I'm also starting bikram yoga in the next couple of weeks. My plan is to do as little exercise as poss until I get into the 9's and then really go for it. I think at the start anyway too much exercise can slow weightloss down. How about you?
not started anything yet, I've been off work this week (thank god) but I work with children so I'm constantly on the go so hoping that will now make a difference and I'm going to start going for walks, I've heard that too much exercise can slow weight loss which I definitely don't want! but I plan to do the gym to maintain my figure because I don't want to be fat again!! I was 9.5st size 12 until i was 17 then got bad eating habits (just turned 23 now). Have you heard if people have suffered with saggy skin??
Sounds like you won't need too much exercise running around after kids anyway. :) I have heard some people talking about saggy skin but you're so young yours will probably just spring back into shape!lol. I'd say just lather yourself daily with bio oil or some such and you'll be fine. A little bit if weight training would prob do no harm either if you're worried about it. I know it sounds sad but today I'm cleaning my kitchen to take my mind off food and counting down the hours till the new series of TOWIE starts!!! :) :)
I'm proud of myself I've just had to sit and endure the bfs mum cooking a roast then the family eating it! But even though my tummy was rumbling on and off I didn't want any! Just sipped my water and had a shake!! I may start swimming as that exercises every muscle in the body and me and the bf want to start cycling when it gets warmer! X
Fair play Lucy. That's the wonder of ketosis and a lot of willpower!! Cycling and swimming would be great ways of toning I think. Day 7 half done - whooo :)
Have you noticed any change in your body yet? Your two days ahead of me!
Ya my hubby said my face looks much slimmer and my work clothes are looser. Also when I lay on my side last night my ribs were a bit sore. I feel much better in myself as well which helps:)