Weekly pro-points


Full Member
I know this question has been asked before....but I'm really confused. I always thought the 49 weekly points were there to use as and when needed and if you used them all you'd still have a calorie deficit so loose.

I re-joined a new class this week....the leader said not to use unless it was a special occassion we should be sticking with the daily points only.

What do I do? Use or not use them? x
It's trial and error and everyone is different, I generally used all of mine and lost but my losses were greater when I used them on alcohol and not food lol x

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Hmmmm - perhaps your leader should read the WW website - this is lifted from there

Would I lose weight faster if I didn’t use my weekly ProPoints allowance?
We calculate your daily ProPoints allowance and your weekly ProPoints allowance so that, when you use both, you'll create the energy deficit you need to lose weight over the week. If you eat to your allowance every day and also use your full budget every week, you’ll still be on the right side of the weight-loss equation. In other words, eat the full “budget” of ProPoints values you’re given, and this will help you lose weight while still feeling satisfied.

However, sometimes you may decide to not use your weekly ProPoints allowance. And that's okay. Unlike your daily ProPoints allowance, using your weekly allowance is optional. If you feel satisfied by meeting your daily ProPoints allowance, it’s not mandatory to also use your weekly ProPoints allowance.

But remember: The flexibility that comes with using your weekly ProPoints allowance helps make the plan livable, and one you can stick with for the long-term. Never allowing yourself the freedom to indulge feels rigid and inflexible, and is not sustainable. So we recommend that you practice using your weekly ProPoints allowance so you learn the habit of treating yourself in a controlled way.

I have only been on WW for 6 weeks. Personally I have used all my weeklies every week (but avoided using APs except for a couple) and have averaged one pound a week loss. I switched from SW, so was already 'mid-diet.' This is a normal loss for me on diets - in fact it's better than normal, because in the past I have tended to feel deprived and break the diet, whereas the flexibility of WW allows me to stick with it and lose steadily, so for me the third paragraph above is especially relevant.

I know everyone is different, and some people on here have trouble if they use all their weeklies, but it looks like your leader's advice doesn't match what WW say. If I were you I would start off by using them all and see how you go. Was it the same plan when you were a member before? Can you remember if you used them all last time?
Everyone is different I still lose when using my weeklies but I lose more if I don't
I use my weeklies. I've only ever not used them all but that was the first week.

I love my weeklies and until I plateau then they shall be eaten!