Step 1 Sole Source Weigh in #1


Full Member
Hi everyone,

I am back on Cambridge for hopefully my last attempt. I am yet to know my weight as I really didn't want to see the figures however my consultant has told me my loss for week one which was.... 13.25lbs!!! I am so pleased! I did go from an evening weigh in to a first thing in the morning but any difference will work itself out next week.

It has given me the boost I needed to know I've done the right thing!

Here's to week two...!

P.s for the mean time my signature is a guess
Brilliant Tia - that's fantastic! :clap:
Thanks guys! Third time lucky, we aren't far apart from each other either! Best of luck to you all and here's to the week ahead! x
Congratulations, I have lost 12lbs on my first week, next weigh in saturday! Hoping to lose anthing really/!
Keep it up girls!
We can do this!
Well done! It definitely makes it all worth while. Strangely this time round something has clicked and as much as I crave food... I'm not pining for it. I am taking it as it comes! Please come back and let me know all your 2nd week loses! x
5lbs off this morning! Very impressed. I much prefer a morning weigh in before work because I don't have to worry about any other factor throughout the day. That said its half term next week and I'll have an evening weigh in as my consultant can't do the morning :(