Weighed in.....


Full Member
Yay! Lost 7lbs.....
Boo! But have fallen off the wagon today.....
Why..... Cos I felt very washed out and weak and I actually do feel better since I've eaten.....
Now..... I feel guilty and I'm thinking iv blown it :( I hate dieting! Hate the gulit of it, feel angry :L what happened to the days when food wasn't an addiction and diets wernt required :'(
Hi Tigerlily - what a great loss! You should celebrate your success. :clap: Don't worry about falling off the wagon, just drink plenty of water and get right back on - you will find you won't have blown it.

Diet is just a way of eating. I liked the way I had - I ate yummy food, drank great wine and enjoyed chocolate. However, I didn't enjoy the fact that I ate past the point I was full, so become uncomfortable and I didn't enjoy gaining weight year after year. I don't think all food is an addiction, but apparently our bodies can really crave/get addicted to sugar (&carbs). Like many people, I'm using CD to lose weight quickly and I need the structure and limitations on what can be eaten in order to control my eating. So far it's been illuminating to find out how often I would have eaten something just because I was thirsty, bored, watching TV, had access to food even tho' I wasn't hungry. The biggest eye opener was the eating when thirsty - I try now to drink water or tea now when I get hungry, just to be sure I really am hungry.

Think of this phase of your life as a change in how you approach food - it's a journey from how you did to how you want to. And when you fall off the wagon, which happens to many of us, it's just cause you're human. You haven't failed or blown it unless you don't get back on the wagon.

Good luck!