Weight in...rats


Gold Member
I was just looking at the thread of how much have you lost equivalents. And I thought, i wonder what I have that is a pound to make me feel better (and maybe others) about losing only a pound in weight. And I thought, my big girl rat, Twitch, weighs 465g, just a shade over 1lb. So if you lost a pound this week, this is your rat equivalent


Oh and my other girl is tiny and only weighs 264g...which is 0.6lb's So if you lost only 0.5lb this week, minus the tail off this one and you will have round about that weight


Makes you feel just a tad better doesn't it knowing that even half a pound is a fair bit.
Thanks. Now I keep thinking about my weight in terms of rats :rolleyes:
Gorgeous rats!

I kept them as pets through my teens and early 20's, they are great pets. Ended up adopting an unwated cat after the last one died and didn't think it was fair to get another rat (to the rat or cat).

Only problem I have with your post is that I wouldn't want to lose a rat, I want to keep them all!
I'd want to keep them too, but if the rats are a metaphor for a 1lb of my excess weight...I don't mind losing them.

Scary to think I have so far lost a colony of 50 rats :O I'll put them all in cages and keep them in the living room :)
Thanks Ally, that really made with laugh :D
Glad I could amuse :p