Weight Loss for prom!


New Member
I'm starting my weight loss journey right now - I've told myself far too many times that I'll start on Monday, or on the 1st of the Month and so on, but the time arrives and I last a few hours at best.

I need to lose weight (about 5 stone really) but wish to start with a specific target in mind. I became a Teacher in 2010, a job I love, but a job that keeps me so busy rarely find time to exercise or eat properly, and as such I've gained 2 stones since I started. Anyway - 31st May 2012 is the year 11 prom, and as I have a year 11 form and teach mostly year 11, this will be the last time I see a number of my students. I don't want to look a fat mess when I attend this, constantly trying to avoid photographs and feeling generally glum when everyone else is looking glamorous.

So - I start now, with a weight of 16 stones and 2 pounds. I would like to lose 3 stones and 2 pounds by then, bringing me down to 13 stones. Still some way to go, but at least I'll be able to buy something nice to wear from normal shops!

First job - empty all the fat food from the cupboard, and not into my belly...