Weight loss ond PCOS

Hey Verity

You must have your hands full at the moment!

Well done on your loss! That's really good-you're on your way :)

I had a few naughty things as well-it happens don't worry, as long as you're back on the health kick now :)

Not quite at a size 10. My jeans etc are normally a size 16 and I can nearly get into a 14 so that's good. Still not losing the weight on the scales though which is disappointing but I must be losing something if i'm dropping sizes right?

Bleh- I don't know anymore- I think i'm going to go by dress sizes rather than actual weight now!

Someone suggested trying metformin so I think i'm going to see my doctor about that and see if that helps in some way. I'm running out of things to try doing! xxxx
Hello I have a question regarding weight loss and getting your periods back, sorry if its TMI!

I used to be 21 stone a few months back and since then I have lost 2 stone 3 pounds. I didn't have a period for about 7 months at my big size, then I had a normalish but light period about a month ago. Then I started an Atkins style diet and have lost 12 pounds. In the first week of that diet I started my period [light again] on the 22nd of March, it lasted for about 8 days! However I have started spotting blood again and feel all the symptoms of a period.

Do you think because I haven't had a proper period for such a long time that there is a lot of 'padding' to shed. Furthermore that the weight loss has helped my hormones kick in again yet they are still confused?

I'm going to give it another 2 weeks to get used to the weight loss and changes and if I am still spotting I will contact my doctor. Just interested if you had a similar thing when you got your periods back.

Thanks! x

Hi Chillimango - It could be that you are ovulating, which sometimes causes spotting. The reason you hadn't had a period was that you hadn't ovulated and as the lining builds up between ovulation and your period, there won't be an excess of lining built up. If you get spotting around ovulation, it should be around 12-16 days before your period starts. I'd give it a few cycles to settle down before you talk to your Dr about it. Well done on the weight loss so far!
Ok thanks for the information! and cheers :D I am VERY happy about it.
Ok thanks for the information! and cheers :D I am VERY happy about it.

:D I hope it is ovulation then! You could always get test sticks to check.

If you want to regulate your periods more, I really, really recommend agnus castus. I've been taking it for a year, my periods used to be all over the place, unpredictable, sometimes very long cycles. They're now between 29 and 32 days. My PMS and period pain have improved too, I can't recommend it enough!
Just researched it a little and it seems ideal for me! Going to pick some up at Boots tomorrow and see if it helps. Thanks for the information! x
i have to take iron, injections of b12, and folic acid for the rest of my life, but i dont care, lost it all with the bypass, regained periods, and stopped attacking peoples. save for the titty job afterwards, and get as much laser as you can afford, it really does make life bearable again.
hiya, im not sure if i have pcos, but i am on a diet and currently decided to lose weight with a low fat diet along side xenical, but i dont have periods my last was in aug 09, but have started spotting kind of and a light red discharge so hoping this is a sign of my periods returning, i do have a 5yr old but been ttc for 2yrs + and i have finally realised that my weight could be the problem, so i was wondering if i do regain my periods, wil i start ovulating again? sorry if i seem really blonde but trying to put all this to the back of my mind... xx
I am currently undergoing tests for PCOS which has bought me to tears a few times. I have been for 2 blood tests, the results stated I had high testosterone levels. I am now expecting a scan on my pelvis to check my ovaries. The doctor says he is 90% sure of what it is. Now, I feel like Im living in a blur because I've never wanted more than to have a baby and all of the things I have read or heard about PCOS has always been negative. I have 2 friends that have PCOS and both of them have managed to have children but I am just convinced that I dont have the luck to have children. I am currently on a healthy eating mission and the pounds are slowly coming off.

Can someone who has 'been there done that' offer me some advice? What kind of treatments am I likely to be offered? What would you advise?

Ive not had a period for about 20 months. Is there anything I can do to 'Force' one on?

Please help :(

Chunky monkey, I know it's impossible to stop worrying, but plenty of women with PCOS do have children. Are you trying to conceive at the minute? Your treatment options might be different depending on whether you are. If you're not TTC, then you may be offered the contraceptive pill. You may also be offered metformin, which is most often used for people with diabetes, but can help with insulin-resistance in PCOS. If you are TTC, you may be offered clomid, which is used to stimulate ovulation.

To get your periods started again, you need to start ovulating. There is lots you can do to help. A healthy diet and exercise help for a start - South Beach is often recommended as a good diet for people with PCOS. I'd recommend taking vitamin/herb supplements. Agnus castus, vitamin b6 and inositol are commonly used ones. I take all three and agnus castus/vitamin b6 have really helped to settle my cycles to a regular 29-32 days. I've only been taking inositol for a few weeks, so can't speak from personal experience on that, but there is strong evidence that it can encourage ovulation and improve egg quality.

Come and join us on the TTC board!

Claire, if you get your periods back it will be a sign that you have started ovulating again.
Thanks Maynie, Im going to buy all 3 tomorrow. Do you know the costs?
Thank you so much.
How long do you think it will take until I start seeing an effect? what are the chances of them actually making a difference for me?

Sorry for so many questions, i know your not my GP but it looks hopeful :)
I've just noticed the holland and barratt tablets are 400mg, I take 1000mg tablets. Might want to go for ebay ones instead. Or try two a day.

I started taking agnus castus and b6 a year ago and my cycles have been pretty steady for over 6 months. They settled down gradually for the first 4-6 months. I'd previously had really erratic and sometimes very long cycles and they're now 29-32 days. My PMS reduced within a month, as did my previously very bad period pain. I was ovulating before I started the supplements though, just erratically.

This is personal experience, but if you google a bit for agnus castus (vitex in the US), you'll find similar stories and successful medical trials. It's the prescription given for PCOS in Germany!

Inositol apparently starts to improve hormone balance within a week and egg quality in 3 months. Medical evidence shows it helps weight and excess hair within 6 months. I'll let you know how it goes for me! Again there are very successful medical trials of it.

If I were you I'd give it 6 months of the supplements before you go for prescription medication.
Aw thanks so much. I am definately going to buy them tomorrow. I cant seem to find Inositol though, are there any retail stores you know of that I could get them from?