Working Solutions Weight loss results??


Full Member

Has anybody done Working solutions for a lenght of time on here e.g 8-10 weeks?

And if so what have your results been like?

Thanks xx
A lot of people have :)

Ive just moved from Exante but as of my wi on Sunday I lost 41lbs in 8 weeks :)
Was that all on WS or with bouts on TS?
Thats a brilliant loss! Well done. This is the kind of loss I am looking for so if you managed it with WS I am even more excited to start!
I do mixture of TS and WS - Tends to be Friday, Saturday and Sunday WS and all the rest total solution,

I'm four weeks in and have lost a fair amount as you can see from my sig, though this last week it has slowed down alot compared to previous weeks, although this could be due to me upping my exercise or even (and this may be to much information) because I am a bit 'bunged up' at the moment.

Hope this helps,

Good Luck :)
I've been doing WS for a month now and my losses haven't been that great compared to others but they are mainly on TS. My shape has totally changed though. I did TS for about 3 weeks i lost about 9lbs then changed to WS and I finally hit the 16lbs mark on Saturday after 4 weeks on WS. I had a meal out on Sunday night and haven't lost anything this week yet but I expected that as it was loaded with carbs, it was a birthday gift from my dad and had been planned.

Look at my losses under here and you can see how it's gone. I have 17lbs to go, I really hope it doesn't take another 8 weeks though. I haven't been doing exercise though due to health reasons but I have been feeling so much fitter an lighter on my feet I expect I can manage some from the weekend and perhaps that will help speed it up.

Everyone is different though, you can always try TS like I did, I love doing it, I would prefer to do it, but it just made me ill, dizziness, heart racing, things going black, but a meal of chicken and veg made all the difference and I feel human again. I am on medication daily though so perhaps that was a factor.

These diets work, you're taking in so few calories that they cant help but work, I think it's just down to your body and how it deals with it, I find it a whole lot easier than weight watchers and the like because you don't get treats, you have to stick to it and I find that I don't crave anything. The nibbles I've had of things I have liked the look of, none of them have tasted as good as I imagined they would.

Sorry I've gone on so long, hope I've helped somewhere on my mutterings :) x