Well here goes! Day 1 Wednesday 15th August

Lol, Luke the toilet situation does improve...I was getting up twice a night at the start, and hourly during the day (so yes you win) but think of all the weight being flushed out of you!:) Be prepared to feel rough over the next couple of days as you get into ketosis, but stick with it and you'll have a lovely surprise when you get on the scales for your first weigh in.
I'm bloody Starving!!

Are we nearly there yet?????
LOL Luke!!
Welcome to the diet! Your bladder will get used to the mahoosive amounts of water!:tear_drop::tear_drop:
After a while, I was drinking 5 litres a day and I was still thirsty!:eek:
The first few days are the hardest, but once you get into Ketosis you'll be fine!! :D:D
Hi Luke

Welcome aboard!! Loaads of great people here to help you on your weight loss journey so keep posting. It is difficult till you get into ketosis but then it gets a lot easier. I didnt like the soups or shakes .. lol .... I live on choc tetras and cd bars.
Hello Luke and welcome!

Well done on deciding to bite the bullet and get cracking straight away, you won't regret it I'm sure. Hang in there, it gets easier I promise.

p.s. I'm sure your CDC will be quite happy to change any flavours you don't like ;) :D don't spend the week suffering flavours you hate, swap them for ones you do like :)
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Hi Luke

Nice to see another newbie.

I started yesterday and i can honestly say i have never been to the loo so many times in one day i must have gone about 50 times yesterday, it was the laugh of the day at work 'there she goes again'

I have only drank just over a litre so far today which isnt' good, i just keep glugging away at my desk, have even got black coffee even though i haven't had coffee for about 3 years, thats gone out of the window

Just wait till you try the bars, they're soooooooooo lush!!!

Just thought i'd say best wishes and I promise your toilet trips will slow down as your bladder gets used to it. I'm 8 weeks in now and I go normally now just as I did before the diet.

Keep posting hun

Dawn xx
Dawn that is so encouraging I though it would stay at every 20 mins for the duration. looking forward to bladder expansion!!!

I started yesterday as well.

Blimey yesterday i felt pretty ropey, slushing with water, and starving hungry. I nealry snapped so many times, but CD for me is about the willpower more than anything.

however, I feel way better today, hopefully will be able to cope till the end of the day. Ive worked through my lunch with the view to getting out of here an hour earlier and get home for another shake.

good luck all newbies :cool:
Hi Luke....good luck for your first day, I personally dont like any of the soups...so stick to the blue packs. Look forward to seeing how you get on, do keep drinking the water as it helps, and the trips to the loo will ease up soon.
pmsl, get Cambridge to manufacturer them for Newbies.
I got to ask but was that a joke or was that guy for real?

Dawn xx
how you getting on skinnymonkey , what day are you on now ?
Hi Luke. Good luck on SS. I SS on LL for 14 weeks last year and drank 8 pints of water a day so I could've done with a Bladder Buddy! :D

I Am starting CD next week hopefully.
Hiya Luke welcome and sounds like you're having a great first day keep at it hehe :)
I'm still alive.

Tip for the day

The shakes are so much more palatable if you mix them with 250 mls of blue top milk and add a spoonful of cocoa powder or sugar!- YUM :p
lol you are so funny

Hope you keep with your sense of humour i think we are all going to enjoy it