What are we eating today?

Some pouting skinny blonde bird who is obviously an exercise freak!! she has a few exercise dvds out, apparently shes , gwyneth Paltrow and Shakiras personal trainer, she's strange it's like she just makes things up as she goes along but apparently it shapes up your smaller muscles which pull in your bigger muscles so you look lean like a dancer or something like that!!:rolleyes: Hmmm we shall see, 1st time tonight, I am gonna try 5 times a week for a few weeks and see how I look haha :p

OOh shes made me a bit angry haha my shoulders are killing me because of her thousands of arm exercises!!
Yes, at least I know its doing something! It's had good reviews from people saying its really changed their body shape in a short amount of time, so thats always good news :)
I've been very naughty all weekend by only having a dinner! Just too busy and it's worse cos you don't feel hungry on this diet!
Sat night : kebab
Sun night : omelette!

And catch this - I've had a gain so the moral of this story is DON'T STOP EATING! :D
I've been very naughty all weekend by only having a dinner! Just too busy and it's worse cos you don't feel hungry on this diet!
Sat night : kebab
Sun night : omelette!

And catch this - I've had a gain so the moral of this story is DON'T STOP EATING! :D
oh poo, i only had an atkins bar yesterday morning and 3 quaters of a bottle of bacardi and coke zero :cry:
Good afternoon girls and boys.

B. Breakfast in bed! Fry up and cream coffee
L. Chicken with a warm salad
D. Collie cheese with chilli

I agree with Caz. The more FATTY foods u eat will help. I always loss after eating the cheese burger pie. If you dont eat you body will slow down and just store as it thinks ur being starved.

So dont forget to nibble something!

Woofy x
B: protein shake
L: mozzarella, basil & tomato
D: gammon steak, fried egg, celeriac chips & courgettes
Afternoon all, the fat comment from Woofy is so true. I am still struggling with eating all that fat, it still isn't natural to me, but had an 80g pack of scratchins the other day, nearly passed out when I realised they were 500 odd calories (after they had been eaten) and loads of fat, but lost a lb the next day. Not that I will regularly eat them mind LOL

B: MIM with a bit of butter & scraping of peanut butter
L: Oopsie roll, chicken mayo and large salad
D: Burgers on the bbq, celeriac chips, large salad, mayo & low sugar ketchup

S: jerky, jelly
E: Run
W: 3-4 litres water herbal tea

Have a good one!
Nothing wrong in that. Well today my menu is B=tiny slice of cheese, L=1x20g bag of porkies, D=either chicken curry or fish in sauce both with kale and broccoli and poss cauli. Might make a mim tortilla if i have a curry. Boring i know. Sorry. Oh and 3litres of water.
Only had Lunch and Dinner today.

Lunch- grilled bacon with melted brie on top and rocket salad

Dinner- Brocolli, ham and cheese omelette with rocket salad

S: sf jelly
E: Can't be bothered
Mmmmm that sounds good. An update to mine..........D=chicken curry with cauli cakes and crispy kale.
Its cauliflower mashed with a fork so still a tiny bit lumpy, sour cream, onions (whichever you are allowed) salt and pepper, eggs to bind then mix and fry in a little oil. I sometimes add some chilli to mine. They dont take long but are scrummy