What are we eating today?

Day two:
B - Ham wrapped over philly
L - Chicken & bacon salad with mayo
D - Homemade beefburger with cheese, mushrooms, courgette and mixed salad.

Snack - Couple of satay sticks
Water - 3 pints
Hi I was really in ketosis/dark purple but I had some cream yesterday and it has gone to paler today! I really need a sweet treat so would I be better having an Atkins bar rather than cream if I need a treat? R these ok to have regularly on induction?

Weigh in tomorrow and I'm so nervous lol
Vikki x
it may not be the cream .........your body varies from hour to hour , you may have drunk more water ..lots of reasons but you are still in ketosis x
thats great thanks

Are the atkins bars ok to have on induction?
i had a bar for breakfast at 7 this morning and i am still not hungry so i was hoping that these may b ok now and again to eat on the go, but i dont want to stall or anything

I'd say one wouldn't do any harm :) Just had one myself for breakfast.
Back to tracking, grrrrr.....

B- Atkins day break bar (2.1g)
100mls milk in coffees (8.4g)
L-50g Galtee cheese (2.2g)
Salad greens (5.8g)
D-130g beef mince
green beans (4g)

Total 22.5g

Might throw in some eggs or something later if i'm peckish.
Double cream is the best. I always lose more weight with cream and cheese, but every one is differant.
Whether sticks are paler or not doesn't matter, the more water you have the more diluted the ketones are hence the pale colour. With sticks any colouring on them is good even pale pink as you are either in ketosis or not.
oohh thats good to know, so as long as its on the scale then it doesnt matter how dark the stick goes?

well today i have had

b-atkins advantage bar
l-chicken, cucumber and lettuce with a dollop of mayonaise
d-piece of steamed haddock and a piece of smoked mackrel with some greens (lovely combination i know-lol)

s-jelly/cream whip with a bit of cream lol
d-lots of water (but not enough!!-2 cans of diet coke

I have made some cheeseburger pie to tae to uni tomorrow for my lunch - does this taste good cold?? it looks beautiful, and even though i have not tasted it yet i have a feeling its gonna be a staple of my diet lol. i definately feel my appetitie is reducing so thats a good thing, is that another indication i am in ketosis?

1st weigh in tom morning so wish me luck :/
vikki xxx
Good luck tomorrow :) Yes decreased hunger is all part of ketotis, gotta love it.
Certainly don't have a decreased appetite yet hehe! Todays food:

B: Atkins Advantage Bar
L: Sausage Quiche Square, Chicken Cutlet and lettuce
D: Pork Pan Fry with cabbage
S: Cheesestrings
W: Loads and loads and loads and loads
E: None, fell down the stairs silly me!

B - daybreak bar
L - CB pie, lettuce, cucumber
D - chicken breast, cauli rice, courgette, asparagus, grated cheese
S - Atkins choc mini choc mim with cream
W - 2l
E - Zumba class
A - no
Last edited:
B: 3 pieces of bacon and 1 fried egg
L: lettuce & ham salad with touch of Mayo. Pepperami, baby bell
D: BBQ chicken in a low carb tortilla, spinach (odd combo), salami stick and half a Atkins bar.
S: 1 pack of pork crunch.

When you write down what you've had it seems loads but I'm quite sure I was under the 20g.

B- none too lazy
L- bacon omelette
D- Tuna steak, small portion celeriac chips, pak choi stirfied with chilli powder. Yum
W- gallons
A- 2 cheeky large vodka's with diet coke
E- Loads of walking
B - nothing as I was in a rush. I know its wrong!
L - chicken breast with brussel sprouts
D - Dunno yet
E - The Tube in the morning incl. Sauna ;)

I finally got to boots to buy some Atkins breakfast bars. Cannot see another egg in the morning for a while tbh.

Dinner ideas welcome!
dana: Not quite as convenient but boots online have a discount on atkins bars ATM! I bulk brought some this morning :D xx
Well today I have had

B- Atkins choc and orange bar
L-cheeseburger pie (a quarter of) some cucumber and lettuce
D- 2 homemade lamb burgers and some mushrooms and Mayo
S-a babybel, 3 slices of corn beef and I may have to have a choc mim later! Don't know what's wrong today but I'm starving

E-1 hr in the gym :)

Does this sound about right for day 8? I'm still really unsure about portion sizes and I feel like a big pig lol

Vikki x