What are we eating today?

Well I use my phone, connect to my laptop via bluetooth and then upload them from the laptop to photobucket. Once you've got them on photobucket or any other hosting site. Open the photo up by clicking on the thumbnail, select direct image, click on the photo frame above and paste the link into it.
:cry:I Cant do it!
Bluetoothed them to laptop. They have gone in my documents. Ive opened the picture but there isnt a "frame" to copy and paste :cry::cry::cry:

Woofy X


Woofy X
lol woof.

If u want them smaller there is an option before u press upload. xx
TY, rach......

Im off to take some pics... hee hee... Oh what have you done telling me how to do it.... PMSL.... Nothings safe!!! Nothing!! hee hee

Woofy x
PMSL woofy! Only you would make it into a smiley face. :D

Made TT`s Kale and bacon bits... MMmmm


Mushroom and spinach soup

Jim. Jim`s curry with Lamb and mushrooms. Such a lovely eating day!! Soup is LUSH!!!

Woofy X
I need to try this curry, it sounds FIT! Is it good for the first few weeks of atkins though?

B - Atkins bar
L - Tuna mayonnaise salad
D Baked salmon with cheesy salad
Snack - Sugar free jelly with cream
I need to try this curry, it sounds FIT! Is it good for the first few weeks of atkins though?

I think it's fine for induction. I just leave out the tomatoes, as they are a no no on induction. I am addicted to it!
Morning all

B: Shake
L: Soup
D: Grilled tuna steak with either steamed veggies or salad, not sure which yet.
POP, it's not really good for induction, it has too much onion, you could cut that down I suppose but it wouldn't be the same.

Nice photo's woofy!

B: Left over curry (Burp)
L. I'm meeting Colleen at the Cafe today.
D: Not sure, something with Pork Steaks.
POP, it's not really good for induction, it has too much onion, you could cut that down I suppose but it wouldn't be the same.

Sorry, yes forgot about onion! Woofy makes it with leeks, would that be ok?
Nice photo's woofy!
TY kind, Sir ;)


B. Left over Lamb curry...
L. Lush mushroom and spinach soup
D. Something new out the cook book....

Feeeeeeeeling good today! Its a much welcome feeling, I can tell you!! Its good to be back!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

Love Woof Woof X
B. Left over Lamb curry...

Now everyone will think we had breakfast together. LOL