What can you hear right now?

the waves crashing
My sister laughing (something she read on internet appearently).
Nothing... Total silence ....... my beautiful family are blissfully unaware I have been up since 5.30 am unable to sleep.... :-( x
the movie wedding singer wat im watching :D
I hear my room mate chating with friends
My tummy ... Sounds like a factory.. All manner of noises x

Haha, the factory comparison is hilarious :p Anyway, hope you feel ok :)

I'm hearing tv (it's on commercials now)
Just the whirring of my laptop.
Aline said:
Haha, the factory comparison is hilarious :p Anyway, hope you feel ok :)

I'm hearing tv (it's on commercials now)

Oh I'm fine... Not a bad tummy just a very happy one yesterday... Lol ;-) x
I'm hearing birds, it's lovely:) Sounds like spring coming x
Two women working in the Lab next to me :p
The clock ticking, cars driving past on the street, keyboard clicking and my workmate slurping her coffee!

This day is dragging...