What change should I take to a car boot sale?

big bear

A bear on a mission!
I'm doing my 1st car boot tomorrow, what change should I bring?
It will depend on how much you are selling stuff for. But a mixture of general lose change 5, 10, 20, 50 £1 up to about £30 should do you not too much of the small stuff. But most people who go to them also tend to take small change with them as well.

Good luck let us know how it goes, last one I did was about 14 years ago just as we were moving house, made about £70 for about 3 weeks in a row.
as much as you can put together. There is nothing more off putting than wanting to buy something and the vendor not being able to change a note.

Have a great time BB. It is such good fun.
Whenever I have done one I have raided all the money boxs/ purses / wallets ( replaced after of course ! ) to gather as much as possible ! Good luck
I'm selling kids clothes, I'm going to ask £3 for them with an expectation of getting £1 per piece. Fingers crossed I'll make a little bit of cash!!
babybuffy84 said:
Crikey lol people were trying to get stuff off me for 10p they wanted stuff for nothing !!!
Hope you do well I e bay all mine now lol !! X

I won't také less than 50p I'm
starting at £3 so they can haggle me down LOL...we're in London so not sure if that makes a difference...I've got £200 items of clothes!
It was rubbish I sold 3 skirts & my friend made £30 on a microwave, báby seat, toy car & some cuddly toys....everyone selling kids clothes as it was at a school. Xx