What do you add to the soups?


Full Member
I dont know if there is somewhere I should post this but I am at the end of my second week on TS and starting to experiment with the soup flavours and I suppose everyone must have done the same so here is what I have done for the last two days (someone might tell me that this is wrong but here goes).

I always make the soups into a paste with boiling water to make them nice and smooth and then add different flavourings...

Mushroom + curry powder (yum)
Mushroom + smoked paprika
Tomato + smoked paprika, cumin, coriander
Tomato + chilli
Vegetable + boullion, chives(small amount)
Thai + extra spice

Any other favourites out there?
I just add loads of pepper to the mushroom and veg and tabasco to Thai and tomato - I have a secret spice stash at work too! Although I'm going to have to get the shakes only this time coz its just too hot for soups!! Gonna miss bars though so will have to get the asda ones!!!
I add fresh herbs.. Basil to the tomato soup, dill to mushroom, parsley to vegetable. I experimented with garlic in mushroom soup once, but it came out too strong. Oh, and Boullion to vegetable soup, but only a bit, or it will be too salty.
I dont like mushroom soup at best of time sand have not tried the Exante one yet..thought i would leave them till i ran out of others.
But now i have looked at what can be added into them i think i might give it a try today with lots of herbs/spices to try and change the flavour

Thank you ladies xx
Emms i just noticed your inch loss in your signature

inch loss on week 5 - bust -2 under bust -4 waist -5 hips -3

5 inches from your waist is fantastic!!!! In 5 weeks..thats truely amazing
Well done xx
Thank you! I was amazed too!
Have just had a weeks holiday off of the diet - daren't measure just in case!!! Put 2lb on Which isn't too bad since I have not been very careful!!!
Good luck to You
Emms x
Hmmm fortune cookie, I was thinking of investing in some basil to add to the tomato soups - I like the idea of dill too... I only have chives, rosemary and thyme but the thyme does work in the mushroom too.
And well done Ems - I am annoyed with myself that I didnt measure at the start! Grrrump x