what winds you up???

Brilliant parent!! Please tell me if was an english teacher ;)

I honestly can't remember. :D
I do know the DT? (used to be Home Economics not sure what they call it now) teacher has a sign pinned up by her white board saying "Of is not a verb" so it clearly wasn't her!

Last parents evening my son's (yr11) English teacher did say rather accusingly "You TELL your children what to read don't you?" I don't actually - both are avid readers so I try to point them towards books they will like. But it's their choice.

And sorry Aisha. :D
Well meaning people who poke their nose in thinking they are helping but all they are doing is making thing worse even if it is only messing with your head !!!!!!!!! Grrr.

People who do not answer emails when they think you are no longer useful to them.
hiyer, the other thing that is winding me up, is the obesson with celebs, i just don't get it, please enough:D
hiyer, the other thing that is winding me up, is the obesson with celebs, i just don't get it, please enough:D

I agree! I am on an emailing list, which I can't seem to get removed from, which sends me messages with hysterical titles: "Pinky and Perky split! Ethel is pregnant! Scoobydoo isn't going to US!" and I find myself yelling at the monitor "SO WHAT!!!"

Just received another one: "Why Angelina's new tattoo has EVERYONE talking!" No it doesn't have everyone talking - the vast majority of people in the world couldn't care less!
Right now, my neighbours tv!!!!!!! We don't have one, we love the silence and reading and Internet .... She had lost her hearing aid! We can always hear it but right now it is unbearable. I can hear everyword upstairs in my room!! I have talked to her twice about it and she says sorry but keeps forgetting! 3 more weeks until she gets a new hearing aid. I want to scream and shout and swear and bang on the wall!!! I hate emerdale turn it down !!!!!!!

But, I can't. Have to be nice and patient and thoughtful. Pah. I sometimes hate being nice!
hiyer, the other thing that is winding me up, is the obesson with celebs, i just don't get it, please enough:D

Most of the time I don't have a clue who they are going on about...........it is so good living in my own little world.

In most of the celebrity reality shows I am lost,no idea who the majority of the participants are.................and quite happy that way.
I loathe celebrity stuff ... my bestie gets Hello and OK and I don't know who half the people are. :D

My secret vice was Big Brother and IACGMOOH. But my interest was the social and psychological interaction between the people NOT the awful meedja/celebrity stuff that came to go with it (not in the beginning - 1-3 were very good and 4 not bad but BB went downhill from series 5).
My husband. He was watching some awful movie, but it "went outta sync" so is downloading another version, so I must sit in silence and watch the little blue bubble on the screen float slowly around while it downloads.. I couldn't possibly watch TV... just the bubble. Oh how I hate the bubble.

/end minor rant.