whats for lunch

I'm having Tesco's Chilli Chicken Noodle Salad (3.5 Syns) :drool:
Sesame Ryvitas with Red Pepper & Chilli Low Low Spread, a Coconut Greek Muller Light and maybes an Alpen Light if i fancy it!
S.W. Vegetable paella
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mugshot (on the go) noodles chicken flavour, one dairylea light triangle & a portion of kiwi,grapes,blueberries & pomegranate (from tesco)
A full can of heinz spaghetti on 2 slices of wholemeal toast, sprinkled with a little bit of garlic salt!
Salad of lettuce, cucumber, red onion, carrot, tomato, feta cheese and houmous