What's for tea tonight?

Quorn sausages, baked beans, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes and two rounds of small wholemeal toast. 428 calories. It was yum!
Chicken curry, yum! x
Soup :( damn you throat infection!
Hmmm I might make some homemade lentil soup! Yum :)
Ooh chicken stirfry! With rice noodles quite high calrorie wise but when you have extra veggies and split a bag of noodles between 3 people instead of 2 it's not so bad :)
i had half of a sloppy guissepe pizza express pizza (buy one get one free at the moment from sainsburys) served with a green salad- 290 cals

and a chocolate eclair (229) for dessert! yummy!!! and i'm having the other half of it for my lunch today! delish!
I'm having chicken chow mein from the takeaway tonight. I might eve have a spring roll too. Very naughty I know but I've only had a small apple and one cream cracker all day so it shouldn't be too far away from my calorie limit. I was well under on Tues and Weds too so I think it evens itself out...I hope!
Waited so long I ended up only having homemade bread toasted with low fat cream cheese spread. Boooo