Whats your most embarrasing weight story?

Ive had all the usual ones - hidden pregnancies etc etc... and being called a bloke at a football game... but the most recent thing for me happens everyday..
I bought a new car last September - Mazda RX8, which has bucket leather seats... every day when I get into them, and fasten the seatbelt, the clasp sticks in my thigh...now if that is not a constant reminder to lose weight then I dont know what is.... :D
It was my little boy who provided me with my most embarrassing moment, jumping up and down on me and saying I was just like a bouncy castle with my big tummy was enough to make me want to start to diet...
I have a few stories but sadly they come from comments within my own family which is bad and the reason Im the weight I am now mostly.
My brother's friend commented on how fat your sister is blah blah, I was mortified and he's very young in primary school so that hurt.
Also, being made to sit at the front in the car when everyone skinny was at the back.
I remember countless people saying you would look really pretty if you just lost weight, seats uncomfortable on the plane.

Mainly Im doing this because when my son's in school I dont want people to say stuff to him about my weight, want him to be proud of me.