Where has your weight gone from first?


Mad old Bat with Attitude
I've lost just over a stone and really didn't notice much, but the last couple of days I've realised that when I sit down there's less of a "michelin" than there was! If I poke hard enough I can feel my ribs! :D
I've lost 10lbs Judi and it's just the tip of the iceberg for me, but my bra's are definately looser, so it looks as if my 'boobs' may be shrinking first....
hi their, well iv lost 1 stone 1lb, so far, and my face is looking slimmer i can see stretch marks on my stomach from having my 2 children more(i havent really noticed these b4 lol)x
Ive lost 10 pounds and dont really feel any different although my bra is also looser.....of all the places for it to vanish from first....its not fair lol
My belly appears to be smaller but i've not long had a baby so that may be a false result! On the other hand my undies fell down yesterday so maybe my tush is decreasing!
Always seems to be my face first, then boobs, then tummy.
Bottom and thunder thighs come last!
I'm the complete opposite!

I've lost 9.5lbs and it has all gone from my bum. My jeans hang off my bum, but I can't get into smaller sizes yet cos of my stomach...

I have lost 2 stone 4.5 lbs now, and it went definitely from my legs first, then boobs, the face, then lost some from my stomach, and now it seems to be my bum. Same as above, I can't go down a trouser size yet coz of stomach, but they're all saggy on my bum! What a state to be in!!!
Under bust first, bra size came down, then cup size. Then back, face and neck, then that horrid bit just under my knee where I'd got a bulge cos it had nowhere else to go!!! Finally belly :)
I lost first from my tummy, thenmy boobs and upper arms, etc.....basically all of my upper body! I have lost off my bottom half significantly but now I ama bit of a pear with huge hips and thighs! I'm hoping getting to target will rectify it though :D

K xx
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